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WW for 2010 Brides!!


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Hi and welcome everyone! So my weddng is only 4 months and 2 days away so during this holiday season I am just taking it one day at a time and avoiding the goodies at work that are all over the place. Luckily for me my fiance is a great workout partner and has made it easier for me to stay on track where our workouts are concerned so that has helped too. We have a potluck at work today so my goal for stuff like this and the next few days of family gatherings is MODERATION :) I can eat what I want but will just take mini portions.


Congrats on your recent successes Melfredo! I know how motivating those weekly weigh in are! I'm sure you'll still do good through the new year.

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Originally Posted by hat0112 View Post
Hi melfredo!! Great job on losing 12.5lbs so far! That is fantastic, especially with all this food around! I know it is so scary not weighing in and not going to a meeting. Maybe you and your mom can get together and have your own meeting. You can weigh each other in and talk about how you guys can stay on track during the holidays. If you donâ€t have a scale available you can always take your measurements.

Hi Vallarta and deddmach! Good luck with your weight loss! I think that the holidays is a great time to start working on your diet, I think we need all the motivation we can get during the holidays! If we can stick with our weight loss during the holidays, we can stick with it during anything!

And a DW is a great motivator to work towards our goal weights!
That's a great idea! Thanks for the advice! I'll get together with Mom and talk about it with her :)
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So now that the New Yeas has begun and I only have 3 months and 20 days left (EEEKKKK!!!) I'm going to start paying to do WW Online and track my point religiously! I have to be ON TOP OF IT! Good luck in the New Year girls!

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I know! I can’t believe it is 2010 already!!!! Veronica, you have plenty of time to lose the 12lbs you want to (according to your counter). Now that the holidays are over it will be so much easier to stay on track. Unfortunately it is my birthday on the 12th so I still have dinners and food coming up to handle. I have to track my food or I will get off the wagon really fast. Thank goodness I am a WW leader and I do classes every week that help remind me of my own goals. I gained about 12lbs since the fall and I am 17lbs away from my goal. I have till April to lose it for a DW I am going to.


So far I am starting off the New Year well! Good Luck Ladies!

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Originally Posted by MayBride2010 View Post
I haven't posted in here forever.

I am getting scared! Only 3.5 months left and 30lbs to go. I don't want to be a chubby bride sad.gif But I am such a stress eater. ughhhhh
I know! Me too!! Our wedding dates are coming SO FAST!!! How did this happenhuh.gif? .... BUT we still have plenty of time to get into great shape! Just make every single day count :)

Well, I'm happy to say I've been really good at making it to the gym every day this week so far. If I miss a morning workout I have to go in the evening to make up for it so it motivates me to get out of bed! It really helps that my fiance likes to go with me too. Except this morning I got up (at 5:30 a.m.) and he said he wasn't going today because he couldn't fall asleep until past 12:30am. So I said o.k. and just went by myself... well after being on the tredmill for 10 minutes he showed up at the gym after all! I think we're in competition for who goes the most days..lol!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! :) I just noticed this post and it caught my eye. I have not been to WW, but we follow some of the recipes, and eat very healthy. While we go through phases (usually more intensely before a Caribbean vacation lol), we have started 2010 determined to eat well and lose some pounds. As the food is pretty consistent, my focus needs to be on excercise.


I would LOVE to be in on the motivation that you guys provide, as I am finding it hard to get back in the work-out groove!! lol..I did go twice this week though.

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Hi sungoddess_08! Even though I could improve my diet, exercise has been hard for me too.


I really need to get back into things. I have my teaching my WW meetings and I feel like a hypocrite telling my members what to do and me not doing it. I am above my goal by 7lbs. I was doing great last week, but it was my birthday on Tuesday and I went out to dinner that night, and I got a lot of chocolate and a cake. I also have a dinner planned Saturday and Sunday and Sunday I am getting another cake! I NEED to control myself and start working out, but I also started working long hours and 6 days a week last week at work.


So how do all of you fit in your workouts? Do anything to help give you energy?

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Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
Hi all! :) I just noticed this post and it caught my eye. I have not been to WW, but we follow some of the recipes, and eat very healthy. While we go through phases (usually more intensely before a Caribbean vacation lol), we have started 2010 determined to eat well and lose some pounds. As the food is pretty consistent, my focus needs to be on excercise.

I would LOVE to be in on the motivation that you guys provide, as I am finding it hard to get back in the work-out groove!! lol..I did go twice this week though.
welcome3.gif Sungoddess! My fiance and I are also determined to be healthier in 2010 :) Our wedding is our main motivation however we want to keep it up long after that. The first few weeks were the hardest for us but now it's something we need to do every day :) My weight has pretty much stayed the same lately but I definitely feel 'tighter' and smaller! I'm REALLY trying to get my arms tight! It's so hard! They're a lot better now than they were though :)
Good luck! We are here for you whevenver you need us :) Feel free to post whatever and whenever.
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