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COuldn't go before, but surprising can now..


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We ever since familes have went back from our wedding, and started talking about the resort we went to and the overview experience of everything... Oh, wow, that sounded like fun and looked amazing... and really that was the cost, that's not that bad actually (everyone knew the costs)... You got to do that and tried this?... and the list goes now.


Since almost everyone is going back this year, others are looking to go now too... the ones that said they couldn't afford, or thought it was just all about a wedding... and what ever other excuses they used.... Now about 5 new couples want to book a trip when my parent's are going. Imagine that...


My mom is not "impressed" (using nice words)... and basically told them if you want to go, you're not going with us since you can magically go now instead a few months ago. She was ripping... and even asked which ones that have sent wedding cards, so she can give the same back to others... if they sent nothing, they are getting nothing. Mom is vengeful. I told my mom I don't care and really I don't... just don't make bs excuses that was said

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Yeah, it seems like as soon as you say "wedding" people cop an attitude. But if it were just a "vacation" it would be fine lol. I still think a lot of people just don't get the DW thing though. If I was spiteful to everyone who didn't even acknowledge my wedding I would have almost no family left... including parents lol. It's nice to hear your mom is sticking up for you :) I would want to tell those people to stick it too!

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I love your mom. That totally sounds like me. I am by no means bridezilla, but FI has complimented me time and time again saying he is so glad I am "dealing with" all the planning, etc. I asked him to clarify and he said he would try to cater to everyone else too much if anyone had complaints. He knows my attitude (that is much like your mothers) and I say "This is what WE want and how WE are doing it" with a nice big smile.

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Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
I didn't understand that post at all... *sorry So essentially, you wedding came and went, and now a bunch of people who said no for your wedding are now wanting to go because they saw your pictures and said it looked fun?
This is my understanding (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong):

A lot of people said they couldn't make it to the wedding because of various lame excuses. The wedding happened and was awesome and all the people who went bragged about how amazing her wedding was and how great the resort was and how cheap it was for what you got.

Now at a later time, the family is doing a group vacation back to the same resort. Some of the people who didn't bother making the wedding a priority now want to go because they feel like the missed out on the good times. The mom wants to tell all of these people where they can go (and I don't think it's to the resort!) because all of their lame excuses really boil down to "I didn't want to go out of my way to attend the wedding, but now that I realize that the resort is awesome for the price I want to go on the trip."

To the OP: I say let them figure out how to get there on their own. Don't tell them not to come, but don't go out of your way to accommodate them either. They sound like they don't care that much about you or your time, so why bother?
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Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
This is my understanding (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong):

A lot of people said they couldn't make it to the wedding because of various lame excuses. The wedding happened and was awesome and all the people who went bragged about how amazing her wedding was and how great the resort was and how cheap it was for what you got.

Now at a later time, the family is doing a group vacation back to the same resort. Some of the people who didn't bother making the wedding a priority now want to go because they feel like the missed out on the good times. The mom wants to tell all of these people where they can go (and I don't think it's to the resort!) because all of their lame excuses really boil down to "I didn't want to go out of my way to attend the wedding, but now that I realize that the resort is awesome for the price I want to go on the trip."

To the OP: I say let them figure out how to get there on their own. Don't tell them not to come, but don't go out of your way to accommodate them either. They sound like they don't care that much about you or your time, so why bother?
Sorry, I should have proof read my post before submitting, but now I can't edit it.

Yeah that's pretty much it. People made excuses to why they couldn't go to my wedding, but suddenly after hearing the stories, seeing the photos, and "hearing the price" saying it's do-able (though they already knew the price was way beforehand and I gave people almost 2 years to save), that now they can go on a trip and want to go there when my parents go again.

My mom has no issues saying whats on her mind... family or not. And she holds grudges for a very long time. My parents just have me and I'm the oldest among my cousins as well, and was the first to get married... My mom also said that if her brothers didn't send a gift their kids were not going to get anything from them either when the time came, but that's my mom. lol :) It also applied to her adult nieces and nephews as well about sending a gift or a card... so if they didn't send anything, they are not getting anything either when they get married.

She has told me not to give any gifts either to those that didn't send anything.

Oh, my mom will tell them not to go when they (my parents) go, and if they go not to go around them (my parents).

It might sound silly to some people how my mom is reacting, but her family is a take and do for me type of family with most of them and she has done a lot for her family growing up and now and their family's as well. So she is getting tired of how they are sometimes.
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