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Wow, this is starting to feel real...

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it's good to hear that us "2nd time around brides" get those butterflies again! i have no doubt in my mind that i want to marry jason. but i can empathize with you about the nervousness! failing at my first marriage is something i think about often, especially since i have my daughter. but i know i made the right decision in ending that marriage for everyone involved.


butterflies are good! even though my wedding 9 months away - i get them from time to time! but i also think it's part of the excitement of it all!


congrats to you!!!

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Yet another married for the second time girl here. I was scared to get married but for reasons not like are mentioned above. I was scared that by marrying Cain I would one day, might be faced with loosing him (from passing away of something) and I can't even imagine what that is going to feel like, It still scares me today, but now I'm just trying to enjoy everyday with him as it comes.

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Awe Kelly, I am sorry you are missing your Dad so much today. sad.gif I feel like my Dad is also the wisest man I know and I often think that if he were gone I would be completely lost at times. This is a great reminder to not take the people in your life for granted. They all play a very special role. (Hope that didn't make you more sad...)


On a happier note I'm glad you have another amazing, strong man in your life who is there to love and support you. CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. E! wink.gif

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Awww, that brought tears to my eyes. I am sorry that you are having a rough day, Kelly. It is def hard when major things happen in our life after someone important has passed away. A very close friend passed away in high school and I still think, "I wonder what Chuck would think of this?" So I totally understand and I know there is nothing to be said to change it, so jsut stay strong. Good luck to you, Everton and your family!

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post


I am also getting married for the second time. It IS scary. Jay knows EVERYTHING about me and has never judged me and has supported me in all my dreams for almost 3 years. I never doubt I want to marry him....I just second guess myself that I will be a good wife. I am the one that left my first husband...which is something I never thought I would do. I have to give myself more credit and have faith in myself that Jay is THE one for me.


You only have a few weeks left!!!!smile159.gifsmile29.gif

Originally Posted by akh View Post
I too was married for the 2nd time to Paul. It is soooo different from the first time. The first time you're caught up in all the "wedding drama" and stuff that comes with it. The 2nd time ... you know what it really means, what you're really doing. Not that i didn't the first time, I did, I just, well, I guess I wasn't ready. I too blame myself for the failure of my 1st marriage. that's a lot of weight to bear. i know that i am happy now, as is my ex, so i tell myself it's all for the better. but the "what ifs" are always there!


all i can do is love paul as best I can, and do everything in my power to make this work. and i will. and so will you. things do happen for a reason. you're where you should be now. be thankful for that!


and you can talk to us at any time, about anything!

Originally Posted by gracefulsteph View Post
it's good to hear that us "2nd time around brides" get those butterflies again! i have no doubt in my mind that i want to marry jason. but i can empathize with you about the nervousness! failing at my first marriage is something i think about often, especially since i have my daughter. but i know i made the right decision in ending that marriage for everyone involved.


butterflies are good! even though my wedding 9 months away - i get them from time to time! but i also think it's part of the excitement of it all!


congrats to you!!!

Thanks girls, it makes me feel better knowing that all of you have times that you felt the same way, it realy does feel the stakes are higher the second time around, doesn't it! I guess flutterby's are normal, so I will try to embrace them, LOL. Thanks for the responses because as I was writing, I was thinking ohhh, no one talks out loud about their fears of marriage, just about the happiness, so it was a relief to know that you girls got it, understood, and knew all the right things to say grouphug.gif you girls (you too Jason, who offered his own words of wisdom to me) are the BEST, I don't care if no one gets my passion for you guys, I am happy I found all of you grouphug.gif



Girls thanks for the nice words about my dad, he would have thought this forum hillarious and teased me like crazysmile120.gif, but he would be happy to know that I have (in such an unexpected place) found so many great friendsgrouphug.gif



Tammy, I think your fear is a testament to how much you love Cain. You are right you can't live your life worrying about losing someone you love, you would miss out on so much. I am glad you worked through your fears so you were able to marry Cain. If one day you and Cain decide children are in your future, you will make a great mom, to have that much love inside of you is a great gift.grouphug.gif


Wow that was alot of group hugging, I feel much better now grouphug.gif



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Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
We decided not too long ago that we were going to do our legal wedding before we leave. We decided for a couple of reasons, I have a friend, the pastor at sick kids, who I met when Nicole was in the hospital. This was the worst time of my life, and this man got me through it. I am not religious, don't even know if I believe in god, but he was at Nicole's hospital door everyday for 10 months, giving me hope. We have remained good friends, and he helped me weather my dad's death. I just knew he had to marry us. He is unable to come with us, so Everton and I decided that we were going to secretly, with our children, have a very intimate legal ceremony on Centre Island (he lives there, and it is where his church is), with the person who helped us get to the this place in our lives. After the ceremony we are going to have a picnic with the kids and then dinner, with just Everton and I, later in the evening. This just feels like the right thing to do. It brings us back to the beginning of our planning which was "let's just you, me, & the kids go to the Carribbean and get married," but now it's "lets just you, me, and the kids run to centre island and get married..." LOL Funny how life works out!


OMG Kelly, this brought tears to my eyes! So perfect.

E and you are meant to be together, you know it... very different from the first time.

Do you in some manner the detour was somehow meant, in some way, to happen to remind you of your father at that moment?
Not that E meant for you to end up there, but your dad is with you and you we going to do something very important in your life. No sure I am making sense.

Anyway... hug2.gif
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Kelly, your day is coming up so quick! You're going to be a fantastic wife and you're already a fantastic mother, you have nothing to worry about, just take it day by day, you know you love E, everything will be wonderful!


I can't imagine how much you must miss your dad. I'm so close to my dad and I give myself anxiety sometimes thinking about what I will do without him, I don't know how I'll get through it. Even though you won't see him there on your wedding day, you know he will be watching over you & your family ever second of your wedding day and smiling down on you.

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