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why am i being tested...

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That is odd. At least you know you are in a loving, committed relationship and you'll get that ring soon enough. I know it's sooooo hard waiting when you know it's gonna happen! Thinking back I can see how many times Martin tried to throw me for a loop when it was really closer than I thought. Hang in there wink.gif

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Originally Posted by Lizzy View Post
Just want to tell Tara how funny it was to read "ass backwards". That is a term my family has used for years! Do you think it is a Minnesota thing? It made me laugh...don't ya know, dere hey?

i totally say "ass backwards" all the time! hmmmm ... i think we're on to something! you betcha!

as for the ring w/o a gal thing ... is he someone that just wants to get married? seems like this baby momma might be getting a ring.

or ... and i probably shouldn't even say this ... but are your brother and donnie close? maybe donnie put him up to it ... like donnie said to your brother, "go find out if she likes a ring like this ... "

lol - ok, that's a stretch. but just a thought!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
i totally say "ass backwards" all the time! hmmmm ... i think we're on to something! you betcha!

as for the ring w/o a gal thing ... is he someone that just wants to get married? seems like this baby momma might be getting a ring.

or ... and i probably shouldn't even say this ... but are your brother and donnie close? maybe donnie put him up to it ... like donnie said to your brother, "go find out if she likes a ring like this ... "

lol - ok, that's a stretch. but just a thought!
too funny..no it wasnt my style donnie already has had about 5 emails telling and showing the ring that i would love...anyways....my bro is just crazy.....
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
i totally say "ass backwards" all the time! hmmmm ... i think we're on to something! you betcha!

as for the ring w/o a gal thing ... is he someone that just wants to get married? seems like this baby momma might be getting a ring.

or ... and i probably shouldn't even say this ... but are your brother and donnie close? maybe donnie put him up to it ... like donnie said to your brother, "go find out if she likes a ring like this ... "

lol - ok, that's a stretch. but just a thought!
OMG!! i was totally thinking the same thing....probably because it's something I would do! :)
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Originally Posted by michelle08 View Post
OMG!! i was totally thinking the same thing....probably because it's something I would do! :)
I think that is a little odd...How did it all play out and how did you and your mom react because I am also wondering if maybe he does want to give it to the mother of his baby but wanted to get a reaction, opinion or feedback from you and your momhuh.gif
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Erica that is crazy! I would have wanted to hang myself. Sorry to be dramatic but I'm from NY I can't help it. LOL. Seriously though, I think he has every intention of giving it to his child's mother. He probably just wanted to see your mom's reaction. He will probably wait to make up with her and then end up giving it to her. Which I'm sure is so hard for you b/c you are anxiously awaiting your turn.


I hope that it happens for you soon. I am always keeping my fingers crossed for you. And I have the DW bunnies ready to go when you give us the good news!

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