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What to do to help financially....


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We bought DH's aunts ticket... she had just filed bankruptsy and was feeling really down about not making it. About 4 months after the wedding, she paid us back for half the room plus her plane ticket.

Maybe when you talk to them you can bring up loan, or as a christmas present for them and you.

Be sure to let them know that the wedding will happen regardless, because you have made the commitment to the others.


Good luck! I hope everything works out.

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I think you should speak with them. Explain to them how much it means to have them there. And that they could consider this a loan or a gift that will take care of the next few birthday, christmases, anniversaries, mother/father day gifts. I understand totally how you feel. I don't think I would have opted for a DW if my parents weren't coming. It would definitely not be the same special moment without my Dad to walk me down the aisle! And I am sure that I am not alone on this. Sometimes it is hard for people to accept help from others. It can be even more difficult to when it involves parents and their children. It is incredibly difficult for parents to accept help from their children becuase that is not how it is suppose to be (at least that is the general attitude) That parents help their children, not children help their parents. So go slow, it may be a pride thing which is very delicate as we all know! I hoep everything works out for you. But remember Until you leave there is always time to book.

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Well, just talked to them...and they won't take the money. It is definitely a pride issue....they do not feel they can take that from us when we could put it towards a new house or something else. So, they are not coming!! They say they support it and love me but they just can't.


At this point I am at such a loss. I just never would imagine getting married without my family there. But now there are so many booked. I don't know what the correct way is to handle this. The only thing that comes close would be getting married here and still going on the trip as a celebration. But would that make people mad? ARggghh!!!

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That is so frustrating!!!

I am bummed for you. You could do both. A legal ceremony at home (just invite your family) and have your destination wedding. We got legally married at home and it didn't take away from our DW. Maybe you can just do that and go out to eat with them? Im sorry you are going through this.

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Originally Posted by amandseth View Post
kate.com has got it, I think. Do the legal wedding here with an officiant and your family present. My officiant did have a ceremony where we exchanged the rings and said vows and everything. Then have a symbolic ceremony at your destination.
We talked about it tonight and I think this is what we are going to do!! I talked to my mom tonight and she was ecstatic. My dad's business is not doing well, and he can't even leave, I guess. So this way we will do something at home...I am even thinking possibly on New Year's Eve! Then, we will travel to Jamaica a few days later. The best of both worlds, I think....
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Our DW will be in Jamaica. The only difference this way will be that it will be a symbolic ceremony rather then a regular.


I guess this isn't totally perfect but I do think it will ease the stress a lot. Plus, maybe I will be a little less nervous at the actual wedding. :)

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