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I definately would never say your name ever!!! I think thats a unspoken rule of these forums. Who knows what the hotel does one day to another!! You have to try an squeeze everything you can outta them!!! Thanks for the info though. I am going to keep trying my hardest to get an earlier time.


My fiance actually wrote a letter to the Riu because he is ticked that everything has a price to it. Anyway we ended up getting the projector and screen for cheaper and also the open bar cost per person dropped. It's definately worth fighting to get what you want.


I just want to get all my times straightened out so I can make a welcome letter that includes a wedding day list of events.

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That is amazing that you got the open bar person charge dropped!!! I plan on negotiating for some of that stuff once i'm there because i dont want to get too stressed about it now. But that is a huge cost saver! And you got your projection screen too! I am happy for you! I really think you'll have no problem getting the earlier dinner.... i forgot to answer you before, my starts at 6:30 to 10:30 now.


also.... did you know the sun sets in mexico in Nov. at 5:08. Try and use that to negotiate too! i wasnt sure how you felt about pictures but my ceremony i really wanted pictures in the SUN. now i'm stressed because my ceremony is at 3 and i'm worried i wont have enough time to get pics in the daylight with J. Just a thought.

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Wow, 6:30, that is awesome!!! Are you still having a cocktail hour?


Our ceremony time is at 1pm so we will have tons of time for pictures however I still want a later time even 2 or 3 I will be happy with. I think you will have plenty of time for pictures.

We are having a cocktail hour starting at 5:30 and it can go until 7:30 but if our dinner is at 8:45 that will totally suck! That'a another reason I want it to start at 7pm.


I am with you though, I am not stressing about this stuff cause we can deal with it when we meet the wedding co-ordinator.


Are you not working today??

Have you started your planning thread yet? I can't wait to see it!!!

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i actually am at work :) just having a semi-slow day although i'll be in a meeting for a few hours starting in 10 minutes so i wont respond as fast! i think we will still have a cocktail hour, probably 5:00 to 6:30 if thats possible, I havent even broached the topic with the WC yet.


I havent even started a planning thread. God knows when I will have time for that. i tried to post a lot of the pics of stuff i was doing for my RIU girls...but havent shared much with the rest of the forum yet! I've been stressing about my weight and FI and I started south beach and I am actually down 18 lbs which is great! but we work out twice a day (before and after work) then make dinner and in my spare time i try to email AEL and my mom to finalize all the stuff we havent done. Its getting so close which makes me even more busy. You must be absolutely dying!!!!!!!


right now i'm in the midst of my thank yous from my bridal shower. I have had like 50 to write...it was brutal. This weekend is my bachelorette party!!!!! How did your bridal shower go?? I'm so glad you got to have one! Good thing you stepped up and said something, you deserve it!

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My bridal shower was awesome!! All my friends were there and we had a great time, I am so glad that I got to have one.


I am with you on the whole weight thing, at this point I can't do anything else about it. Having stress fractures and shin splints has definately put a damper on working out. I am going to focus on working out when I get back. Coverups are going to be my new best friend for this trip which totally sucks!


You are going to have an awesome time at your stagette!! Do you know what you are doing for it?

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KimmyG - For the private receptions they only serve beer and wine but you can pay 9/person for an open bar. That is what we are doing.


I just got an email from Ael and we get to have our private dinner at Chili's at 7pm!!! I am the happiest person ever right now!!!! Everything is coming together perfectly!!!!

This is our Wedding day timeline

1pm - Ceremony

2-4 pictures

5:30pm - Cocktail

7pm - dinner


We are still trying to get our ceremony at 2 or 3, we will see how that goes...I will keep you posted though!!

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Originally Posted by jetsbride View Post
KimmyG - For the private receptions they only serve beer and wine but you can pay 9/person for an open bar. That is what we are doing.

I just got an email from Ael and we get to have our private dinner at Chili's at 7pm!!! I am the happiest person ever right now!!!! Everything is coming together perfectly!!!!
This is our Wedding day timeline
1pm - Ceremony
2-4 pictures
5:30pm - Cocktail
7pm - dinner

We are still trying to get our ceremony at 2 or 3, we will see how that goes...I will keep you posted though!!
yay that is amazing news!!!!! i knew you could do it!!!! I'm so happy for you. Did you have to pay extra for the time change? I plan on using this to negotiate for myself.... hmmmm

I want my ceremony pushed UP...but I already scheudled a bunch of spa appointments so i'm considering leaving it!

I have no real idea whats going on for my b-party! i just know we're taking a limo downtown (chicago) and staying overnight somewhere. I'll post pics!!!

ShellK- We leave on the 24th, and fly home December 5th!
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