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I bought my dress!

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i definitely like how the color looks in this one over the first one you posted. tough call!


for me, this was one item i was willing to skimp on - i bought the cheaper online veil. but that's a personal opinion! and as is the length - i'd go for a longer veil, it would blend in more - but that's my opinion - everyone is different!

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Paula your dress looks stunning on you! I absolutely heart it, it is just perfect for you. You do look ready to walk down the aisle. But I have to be honest I don't like the veil. It looks "off". The color is too dark and its distracting from the gorgeousness of the dress. I think you should go for something lighter both in color and material. But I think you should def wear a veil b/c you really want to. And what matters in the end is that you love it.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Paula your dress looks stunning on you! I absolutely heart it, it is just perfect for you. You do look ready to walk down the aisle. But I have to be honest I don't like the veil. It looks "off". The color is too dark and its distracting from the gorgeousness of the dress. I think you should go for something lighter both in color and material. But I think you should def wear a veil b/c you really want to. And what matters in the end is that you love it.
Thanks Glenda :) Look at the picture I posted a few up from here... It photographed differently with the salon's camera... I put the veil on hold... told them I am not loving it from the pics. I am questioning the length now as well.
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Ahh Paula somehow I missed the page with your new pic. Okay I like it soooooo much better now. I don't think you should go shorter b/c I think it will look busy. Does that make sense? I think the length is perfect unless like Amy said you decide to go cathedral length. Otherwise I say go for this one. It looks so much better in that pic. Gosh I can't believe its the same veil. I think you should totally go for it. The whole look is amazing. Why fix what's not broken. Def get it. I heart it!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ahh Paula somehow I missed the page with your new pic. Okay I like it soooooo much better now. I don't think you should go shorter b/c I think it will look busy. Does that make sense? I think the length is perfect unless like Amy said you decide to go cathedral length. Otherwise I say go for this one. It looks so much better in that pic. Gosh I can't believe its the same veil. I think you should totally go for it. The whole look is amazing. Why fix what's not broken. Def get it. I heart it!
I know! I am worried that it may look one way in some pictures and different in others... Ughhh! Okay, I am going to wear it outside on my wedding day and for a little while after for pictures... I think the pictures where it looks darker my flash actually went off. I'm obsessing now. I am going to try it on again when we go try on BM dresses. It would be much cheaper if I bought one on-line though. Decisions, decisions :)
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