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H1N1 Vaccine??


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I'm a little nervous about the H1 shot - my doctor told me not to get it because it is so new and they really don't know if it works or if there are any side effects yet...I'd probably stay away from it for now.

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My FI has to have one ASAP because he's a nurse and will need to be protected. In Canada health care profesionals are in the "first round" of people who are eligible for this shot when it's available. He wants me to get it as soon as it's available to me because I work with the public and children, so I could be pretty suceptable to catching this flu- plus I think he's worried about bringing it home to me from the hospital he works at. From what I've read and understand, this is just another flu shot that has been tailored to this specific viral strain- while H1N1 is "new" the flu shot is not. However, I think people should talk to a doctor they trust if they aren't sure.

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I would definitely be skeptical of anything that has been rushed through testing this fast. There has not been sufficient time for the vaccine to show any long term negative side effects. The death rate of h1n1 is a low % for anyone that did not have any pre existing conditions. Many times the risks and side effects of the vaccine can outweigh the illness itself. There are many doctors who would never give it to their children. That says something because dr. are notorious for promoting vax that have been pushed on them by the pharma companies. I'm not huge into vaccinations though so I definitely wouldn't get a new one with no long term tests. I would rather treat the illness with an anti viral then potentially harm myself or my daughter.

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I love that I can come to this forum & get the honest opinions of so many great ladies. Seems like the responses are divided 50/50. I can relate to both arguments, so I will continue to do research & talk it over with my husband. I just wish there was more extensive research/testing done on this vaccine, then it would be an easy desicion to make. I have a bit of time b4 i have to sign the consent form, so keep the advice coming ladies - it's greatly appreciated. THANKS AGAIN!!!!

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I can definitely understand your hesistance, but every year a new flu vaccine must be constructed quite quickly based on the new mutations that the viruses undergo each year, there is not much reason to believe that this vaccine will be any different in terms of side effects. And I would also argue that the risks associated with the vaccine are much less severe and WAY more unlikely than a serious and potentially life threatening H1N1 infection.

From the CDC:

The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) based on the 122 Cities Report has increased and now exceeds what is normally expected at this time of year. In addition, 19 flu-related pediatric deaths were reported this week; 16 of these deaths were confirmed 2009 H1N1 and 3 were unsubtyped influenza A and likely to be 2009 H1N1. A total of 76 laboratory confirmed 2009 H1N1 pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC since April.


This is what is concerning about this particular virus, and why I would vaccinate your child if you have the chance. But that is my opinion so I will leave it in your hands obviously :).

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Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
I can definitely understand your hesistance, but every year a new flu vaccine must be constructed quite quickly based on the new mutations that the viruses undergo each year, there is not much reason to believe that this vaccine will be any different in terms of side effects. And I would also argue that the risks associated with the vaccine are much less severe and WAY more unlikely than a serious and potentially life threatening H1N1 infection.
From the CDC:
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) based on the 122 Cities Report has increased and now exceeds what is normally expected at this time of year. In addition, 19 flu-related pediatric deaths were reported this week; 16 of these deaths were confirmed 2009 H1N1 and 3 were unsubtyped influenza A and likely to be 2009 H1N1. A total of 76 laboratory confirmed 2009 H1N1 pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC since April.

This is what is concerning about this particular virus, and why I would vaccinate your child if you have the chance. But that is my opinion so I will leave it in your hands obviously :).

I definitely understand where you are coming from. Deaths are scary, whether it's from the flu or from reactions to a vaccine. There are many cases of vaccine damage that go reported and unreported beyond this vaccine. The side effects that have been in studies are not even for the H1N1 that is being rolled out, it's based on the Flu vaccine that was already created. This is a link from the FDA of the pamplet insert of H1N1 vax (novartis) : http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Biologi.../UCM182242.pdf
It states the above.

Also i would recommend if you are able to, do ask for a single dose vial rather than a multidose. The multi dose use mercury to stabilize the vaccine tmake it last longer. Mercury is damaging to the nervous system, especially those in young children. I believe these are offered to pregnant women and children anyway but I would still ask for one for me too ( if i was getting it).

I respect all opinions and think it is a very difficult decision to make. I think that all sides should be taken into consideration before making any decisions on such a new vaccine. There are obvious known risks of the flu and h1n1, but there are unknown risks to the vaccine. I would rather treat the illness than create a new one. I suppose i'm lucky to live in Canada where health care is covered.
I guess i'm a skeptic and feel that because the government, who receives money from pharma companies tells me everything is OK, I'm not quick to believe everything they tell me to do. Sick days at work equals employees not working and therefore a faltering economy = unhappy government. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything crazy, I've just always questioned where information is coming from and who is supporting it (on both ends).
Anyway, hope this doesnt come across bitchy. I guess I just feel that people get so much information fed by the government and pharma companies, and not enough from the other side, where opinions can be shunned and silenced by the larger, louder other side. It's good to look hard for both sides that's all. Anyway, not trying to start a fight, just encourage everyone to make decisions base on both sides, and to research before you put something foreign and potentially damaging into your body or those you love.
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Originally Posted by lara&mike View Post
I definitely understand where you are coming from. Deaths are scary, whether it's from the flu or from reactions to a vaccine. There are many cases of vaccine damage that go reported and unreported beyond this vaccine. The side effects that have been in studies are not even for the H1N1 that is being rolled out, it's based on the Flu vaccine that was already created. This is a link from the FDA of the pamplet insert of H1N1 vax (novartis) : http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Biologi.../UCM182242.pdf
It states the above.

Also i would recommend if you are able to, do ask for a single dose vial rather than a multidose. The multi dose use mercury to stabilize the vaccine tmake it last longer. Mercury is damaging to the nervous system, especially those in young children. I believe these are offered to pregnant women and children anyway but I would still ask for one for me too ( if i was getting it).

I respect all opinions and think it is a very difficult decision to make. I think that all sides should be taken into consideration before making any decisions on such a new vaccine. There are obvious known risks of the flu and h1n1, but there are unknown risks to the vaccine. I would rather treat the illness than create a new one. I suppose i'm lucky to live in Canada where health care is covered.
I guess i'm a skeptic and feel that because the government, who receives money from pharma companies tells me everything is OK, I'm not quick to believe everything they tell me to do. Sick days at work equals employees not working and therefore a faltering economy = unhappy government. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything crazy, I've just always questioned where information is coming from and who is supporting it (on both ends).
Anyway, hope this doesnt come across bitchy. I guess I just feel that people get so much information fed by the government and pharma companies, and not enough from the other side, where opinions can be shunned and silenced by the larger, louder other side. It's good to look hard for both sides that's all. Anyway, not trying to start a fight, just encourage everyone to make decisions base on both sides, and to research before you put something foreign and potentially damaging into your body or those you love.
Ok, that link that you provided is once again making me lean towards NOT vaccinating our son. How on earth can they put out a vaccine that has not been tested (the article states that all the side effect/reaction information is based on studies of the seasonal flu vaccine) - WTF?? Why would they put the side effects for the seasonal flu vaccine on the FDA phamplet for the H1N1 vax?? I just can't see myself injecting my child with something that HAS NOT been tested. If anyone knows of an article about the testing of the actual H1N1 vaccine, I would surely love to read it. Thanks again guys, this information has been very helpful to me.
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The problem with any flu shot is that it is changed each year to "estimate" the type of strain that will infect people that year. If the flu strain mutates in any way, or if a different type of flu (ie 2009 H1N1) is seen than the flu vaccine that you received, it will not protect you during the flu season. I am a nurse and have never had the flu shot due to the fact that I am allergic to chicken eggs (it is cultured in eggs). However, I use all other precautions like hand washing, masking when around patients with flu like symptoms, coughing into my arm instead of my hand and staying home if I don't feel well. Each year people die from the flu, regardless if it's the 2009 H1N1 (or, as I have been calling it..."R2D2" :P). I am not saying that you shouldn't protect yourself or your children, I am just saying that I feel the media has completely blown this out of proportion with the 2009 H1N1. Here, in Canada, it won't be available to health care workers until December and there are already cases of flu like symptoms being reported in and around the hospital I work at. Needless to say, it may be too late for the vaccine this year. I lived through the SARS epidemic and THAT was way worse than the H1N1 has proved to be. Use your judgement and discretion before you decide. I think that you are making a good informed decision on the health of you and your family and that is the best way to be!

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I hate these decisions! I usually never get the flu shot, but I have already been sick this year! So now I feel like I should get it. I think I am leaning toward getting both shots just because a lot of hospitals are requiring the employees get them. hmmm decisions - I think I might have to ask the doc.

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