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Andrea and Danielle - thank you, I am glad to know I am not the only one up in the air on this. I was resigned to getting it and not even questioning and now my aunt's warning gave me pause. I've never been the type to just follow doctor's orders anyway, I always investigate on my own to aid in my decisions, so I appreciate the feedback, and Danielle, if you wouldn't mind letting me know what your doctor says, its helpful to here other's opinions.


And Andrea, that sounds like it was a beautiful dream, I am sure you are looking so forward to meeting your baby.


Amy - OMG, what a stressful way to start a pregnancy! I can't believe your doctor would even suggest proceding with a D&C without an ultrasound. Thank goodness for the guidance of your midwife and your husband's persistence in getting the ultrasound. I am glad things are working out for you and so excited to have another mommy to be join us!

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thanks ladies ... it's probably not even going to be an issue since it's really hard to even get in the mood for sex these days, and last time i checked sex was kinda necessary for baby-making! bunny_4.gif


anyway, it's so great to come to this thread and read so much happy news! it really helped bring a smile to my face. and we all know forum girls make the best moms! so again, congrats ladies (even you skinny biatches who have smaller bumps than i do when i'm not even preggers)!

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Amy, first off congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! I agree with Danielle, hopefully this is the end of any pregnancy drama for you. I can't even imagine what that must have been like. I'm so glad to hear all is well with your baby! One thing I did that helped me have a calm pregnancy was to rent a doppler. It cost me around $22/month and I could listen to the heartbeat whenever I wanted to. It was the best medicine around! I have an anterior placenta blocking the baby and really only started feeling major movements a few weeks ago. Just a thought for you! Anyway, keep us posted on your pregnancy! Are you planning to find out the gender?


Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad sad.gif. My dad's brother was dying of liver cancer during my early pregnancy months. My dad kept telling me he knew my pregnancy was going to be okay and the baby would be healthy because it was what we all needed during that time and it was meant to be. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

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Hey ladies! I normally just lurk this thread, but I had to chime in and congratulate Amy!!! I feel like we were just going through the planning process together and now your preggers! I'm so happy for you and Chad, and wish for you that the rest of is totally non-eventful and a beautiful experience for you both. Congrats again Amy!


And to all the mommas and mommas-to-be's I wish you heathy and happy babies!

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post

On a brighter note, I had a dream last night my little one is a girl! I looked into her eyes and she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. What a great dream!
That is so sweet Andrea! I can't wait to find out!

Amy- CONGRATS!! YAY! I am sorry about all the drama but yay for everything being ok.
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Congrats Amy! So glad everything is going well!


Regarding H1N1- I've been paranoid about this since August when I started hearing about the deaths of pregnant women. I'm a 4th grade teacher, so I'm especially scared because of that! Anyway, I've decided to get it~ and my basic reason is that I would rather have (and raise and love) a baby who was affected by the vaccine (although I don't feel that will happen), than leave Austin motherless because the baby and I died from it! My friend's cousin works closely with the CDC and in many countries where there are terrible diseases. He told her that she and her almost-2-year-old should get it. She puts a lot of faith in what he knows, so she's decided to get it too (she's not pg). It is a scary thing to think about!



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Thank you for all the congratulatory remarks. The H1N1 is also at the forefront of my mind. I work in an public environment, and although I do not have direct client contact, the public are still in and out of the building. At the advice of my midwife I will be getting the H1N1 flu shot. Especially since I am pregnant.

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
Someone shared this link with me and I thought I would do the same...

AskDrSears - The Vaccine Book
This provided some good info, but I think it put me even more up in the air. I agree with Amy's point about being around to raise a baby that may suffer a side effect as opposed to leaving my son motherless if something were to happen to me, and it is a good and valid point. But then I think of the fact that we are told to avoid SO many things, fish, deli meat, Class C or higher prescription meds, etc. But yet, we are being told to get this vaccine that has NO testing on pregnant women, not even animal testing either. I am just so confused. Thanks to everyone for the insight. I am glad some ladies were able to make firm decisions, I feel so silly waffling about it.
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