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April 2010 Brides

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I need to get back to working out.. I was doing well but then I got the flu and I've slacked off since then. I agree- six months will be over in no time! Especially when you think that you have Christmas and all of the craziness that comes with that right in the middle... doesn't leave as much time as you'd think!

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Originally Posted by KimmyG View Post
Kijiji?? Details! :)
Kind of like ebay, but mostly used and gently used items, and you can localize it by your city so everything can be checked out in person and then picked up!!
I'm addicted!
There is a Kijiji USA - well there was one when I googled it - but I'm not sure how popular it is!

Good luck and have fun :o)
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Okay so ladies, since we're all in the same boat with our weddings just six months away, and the time ticking rapidly - I thought that maybe we could start our own thread for working out to keep each other motivated, knowing we have the same timeline in common. Now I know there are one or two other threads with a similar purpose in mind, and we could certainly make use of those as well, but this just might be one more way to get back into workout mode! I thought we could post helpful tips, mini workout ideas (maybe some office workouts for those of you who are stuck at a desk like me!) or even some healthy (but YUMMY) menu ideas/recipes.


If anyone is interested in an APRIL BRIDES GET-FIT thread - or something like that! - then let me know and we'll get it going.


And Tonya - the picture of your puppy is super cute!

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I am all for an April brides get fit thread! That's a great idea - I don't sit at a desk but I sit on my a$$ at home all day reading BDW!

Meghan - will you start it?


Tonya - your dog is adorable!


Is Kijiji like Craigslist? I'm going to look for it right now.

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Tonya - Your new love of your Life is Super cute! Congrats!


Meghan - I am so in for an April Brides get-fit thread...I am the only one awake and I'm looking at my elliptical trainer right now and thinking, naw I need this quiet time!! lol

So if you're talking about motivation - I NEED IT! But first I need coffee :o) SO LET'S DO IT!!! I was doing hot yoga for a while but then I went on vacation...then I was tired...then the baby wasn't sleeping well...now I'm going back on vacation lol

I could give you a thousand more excuses!!


jerseykitten - kijiji is totally like craigslist! Enjoy!! :o)

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Hey Ladies...I'm Shannon..I was a June Bride..been bumped up to April!!! Here is my post from the other April thread...like you ladies I am in a weight loss time crunch...I have been working out 2x's a day, following Atkins program and trying to make it work before my BD shoot...I am trying to lose at least 30-50lbs PRAY.FOR .ME..LOL!!!! Here is my update...


Originally Posted by shan13 View Post
Hey everybody...six months huh? Ok my original date was 6/19 but the old hags at work took my week(we pick vacation in seniority order) knowing I was getting married so we changed to 4/10/10. I had already sent STD's to guest but we decided for it to just be us 2! So I sent out another email letting guests know this and we will see them at the AHR! Ok now for checks...



my wedding set is purchased

dress purchased

venue booked for ceremony

venue found for AHR

purchased garter


Still need to:

get bouquets done

purchase birdgcage veil

find jewlery & accessories

purchase FI's attire

book photog for e-pics(she actually is gonna do my BD, e-pics & reception)

purchase FI's ring

book photog for Vegas

put thank you bag together for another couple coming with us

find attire for trip


am I missing anything?

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