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Any truth to new RIU for no outside vendors?

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A Cabo bride just received any email from her RIU WC stating that no outside vendors are being allowed, it is a new rule. I have not received any such email. Has anyone else? I emailed my WC just in case but have not gotten a response. Any info?

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Emily -

Did you receive confirmation that you could bring Brian on property? The same thing happened awhile back where rumors went around that Jamaican RIU's were not allowing outside photogs, and the onsite photog was charging a "breach of contract fee"...but we only had to pay the day pass for Brian and nothing for the cake.


But other than photog and maybe cake, what other outside vendors are you going with?


Originally Posted by blumenthale View Post
A Cabo bride just received any email from her RIU WC stating that no outside vendors are being allowed, it is a new rule. I have not received any such email. Has anyone else? I emailed my WC just in case but have not gotten a response. Any info?
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Ok, I just got a reply, but I'm not sure if this only applies to RPRM. I'm not sure if they have different rules, but wanted to share:


Hello again!


After consulting with my colleague at the wedding operations department on Palace Riviera Maya, we confirm you are allowed to bring your own photographer but another external vendor fee besides 100 usd may apply.


If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Have a great weekend,


Daniela Flores

Weddings Sales Coordinator

Mayan Riviera

Weddings by RIU

America's Division

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What if we are having a good friend fly down and stay at the RMB and just take our pictures .. he has a great camera and is doing photography as a hobby but he's gaining business fast and is really good.. so...thats what we are doing for our photographer.... IS that okay .. I mean he will be a hotel guest and all.......



I guess I havent heard either way

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Hi, RIU Montego Bay ladies. I just got a confirmation email that it is okay from the WC. I would just email the WC to make sure and have written confirmation. It was a little weird her first email said,



"This is possible yes, under the condition that i would need know who and

what their purpose is.



Sherika Dare"

and then the second email said this,

"Yes you will need to pay a pass for them, the reason why i said that

before was so i can know how to organize everything that day to go

smoothly for you. you can use the outside baker as well ours will only

be able to do what comes with the package.



Sherika Dare"


I guess she just wants to make sure there are no surprises, and she wants to control the situation.

Sorry if I caused a panic.

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