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Anxious.. Will I be laid off?


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Okay, I have to get this out!!!!


We were just told that our company will be having lay-offs and I am terrified I am going to lose my job. I am the junior person in my job working/training under a very senior person who is an industry expert. My salary is at the top of the range for my position and my boss just asked me yesterday to send her a list of everything I am working on. And.. I just asked my boss if I should be worried and she just looked at me and said "We should all be worried".


I know I am probably freaking out over nothing; but I am the one who brings in more $$ in our household. We are on a strict budget with the wedding coming up and we cannot afford to have me lose my job.


Okay, I should just stfu.gif now! I know that there are a lot of people in this economy who have already lost their jobs who are in a lot worse shape than FI and I.


Thanks for listening!

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Well for what it's worth, I feel your pain. Our company is laying off people left and right, my husband and I both work for the same company so if one of us goes, odds are that we will both loose our jobs. I have this strange feeling (along with some things I heard) that I'll be laid off within a month. One can only hope that we all miss the layoffs. Jobs in MI (because of all the big three) are very hard to come by. Good luck and hopefully this round of layoffs doesn't hit the both of us.

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Well for what it's worth, I feel your pain. Our company is laying off people left and right, my husband and I both work for the same company so if one of us goes, odds are that we will both loose our jobs. I have this strange feeling (along with some things I heard) that I'll be laid off within a month. One can only hope that we all miss the layoffs. Jobs in MI (because of all the big three) are very hard to come by. Good luck and hopefully this round of layoffs doesn't hit the both of us.
Tammy.. I have my fingers crossed for both you and your DH! I work in NYC so I absolutely feel your pain about the job market. Please let me know how it turns out for you. smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by Amarillis View Post
I wish you both good luck in today's tight economic times. I am blessed that in my career we are not as affected by the economic downturn as others.

Hang in there... better luck is around the corner.
Thank you so much!!! I honestly thought that my industry was "safer" than others; but I guess not... You are very fortunate and btw, I love your siggy pics!

Originally Posted by Kristy! View Post
I feel your pain as well. We're in the process of lay-offs and to be honest, I'm not busy at all. I'd be shocked if I squeeze by.
I know, I am not that busy either... My fingers are crossed for you as well! We will all get through this tough economic climate together!
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Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 View Post
Thank you so much!!! I honestly thought that my industry was "safer" than others; but I guess not...
I thought the same thing. I'm an accountant and we're in high demand, but they still laid off 30% of my department effective Thursday. I found out that they also let go a lot of my Japanese contacts.

Thankfully, I'm still employed. I'm pretty sure I won't be in danger any time soon, because I'm an MVP of my organization. Although, they've been slowly offshoring our work to Slovakia, so I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of our jobs altogether in the next few years. Plus, if they do cut me, it releases me of my obligation to the company for my MBA. I either have to stay with them for two years after I graduate in May or I have to pay them back for the degree. If I leave the company, I can definitely make more somewhere else, but I'd owe them lots of money in return.

I hope that everything turns out ok for you.
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