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Should You Go on a Honeymoon After Your Destination Wedding?


A question engaged couples planning their destination wedding often find themselves asking is, “since we’re having a destination wedding, should we also plan a honeymoon?”

And the answer is really quite simple and depends on a few factors.

  1. Do you have the time to take a honeymoon? Planning a honeymoon immediately after your destination wedding is a great way to unwind and decompress after several months of wedding planning and all the hustle and bustle of spending the past few days with your friends and family who attended the festivities. If you have the time to spare another few days or even a week to vacation on your own post-wedding, you should definitely plan a honeymoon. 
  2. Do you have it in your budget? With a destination wedding can come significant expense. But if you can manage to squeeze in a honeymoon, it will be well worth the costs. While you may have the time of your life with all your wedding guests, it’s nice to be able to spend at least a few days with your new spouse to truly enjoy your wedded bliss. Staying at the same resort after all the guests leave, can be a cost and time efficient way to honeymoon. And if you’ve got room in your budget, getting an upgraded room for your extended stay is a nice way to change the pace and setting. Other couples may choose to move to entirely different resort in the area and that’s a way to make it feel like an entirely different experience that sets itself apart from your destination wedding. Maybe consider spending a few days at that resort that you thought would be too costly for your guests, or perhaps it’s a property that you’ve always wanted to visit. For couples who opt for a family-friendly resort to accommodate the children in their guest list, honeymooning at an adults-only resort is a great way to change things up.
  3. Where do you want to honeymoon? If your preference is to honeymoon in the same region as your destination wedding or somewhere that is a short flight away, then it will be more cost efficient to honeymoon immediately after the wedding because you’ll save on overall travel costs since you’re already in the area.
  4. MOST IMPORTANT: Is taking a honeymoon after your destination wedding important to you? For some people, their destination celebration fulfills the need to honeymoon and extending their trip just isn’t important. And that’s totally OK. For others, a honeymoon is a must and in that case — go for it. Another thing to keep in mind is that the honeymoon doesn’t have to take place right after the wedding, many couples opt to honeymoon weeks or months after the Big Day. It really is up to you to decide.

There really is no right or wrong answer on whether destination couples should take a honeymoon — it really depends on your situation, needs and preference. The bottom line is, do what makes you happy as a couple and be it on honeymoon or at home — the most important thing is to simply find a way to enjoy the start of your marriage, together. 

For more information about booking a group, wedding or honeymoon at any destination location, contact the official travel agency of the BestDestination.com -- Wright Travel Agency at:  www.wrighttravelagency.com.

Edited by MarieSamSanchezPhoto

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