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Hey Girls, I just ordered my Christmas cards from Vistaprint (I know, better late than never though!). I just thought they turned out so cute that I had to share. These are going to serve double duty because I plan to insert a newsletter and send them to everyone on our invite list as an extra "push" to get info out and encourage people to book their rooms!


Vistaprint is having a Christmas Card sale right now, $6.99 for the first 10 cards and $6 for every 10 after that. If you're interested and don't already get vistaprint emails, send me a PM and I'll forward you the email.

Here they are:

Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.


I also ordered these postcards during their sale last week. I paid for slow shipping and got them in 5 days! Can you tell I love Vistaprint? lol

Click the image to open in full size.

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Christa, if Martha says its ok then you go girl! I'm hoping these get out before Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath :)


Tammy, we tried and tried to get a cute picture of Loomis, but he sadly isn't very photogenic. Actually, it's more that he has a terrible time sitting still for the 5 seconds it takes our camera to go off...oh well! I wanted to take a pic of us in front of our Christmas tree, but I decided that would be better suited for cards next year- that way the uptight relatives don't have to freak out with the fact that we're "living in sin" right in front of their face! lol

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ROFL.. I'll have to post some of the pics we did of Chulo last night.. LOL.. Cain was so fed up that he ended up giving up.. LOL.. You should see the look on Chulo's face during the pictures.. Poor dog was like he was being tortured.. lol.. Where going to attempt pics of the boys with Santa this weekend.. (see told you were dorks) and see how they turn out.. :-)

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