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yes! and i know there have been a few people that have complained and fought the point system - like thinking it wasn't fair. i don't know that it's a rule as much as it is respect for Tammy and the forum she has created for us, but the point system is there as a way to help her manage this forum and it's resources.


we all have to remember that Tammy pays A LOT of money to manage and keep this forum running, and also puts in a lot of her time into this forum ... all for us, and out of the kindness of her heart ... she doesn't get paid a dime. so when she sees someone that fights the system that is in place, it's complete disrespect to her and not someone we probably want as a part of this group.


ok, stepping off my box.

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
The advanced search has been working sporadically for me but it worked right now. These are the only posted rules I could find, if there are other threads maybe Ann or someone can list them:
Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
yes! and i know there have been a few people that have complained and fought the point system - like thinking it wasn't fair. i don't know that it's a rule as much as it is respect for Tammy and the forum she has created for us, but the point system is there as a way to help her manage this forum and it's resources.

we all have to remember that Tammy pays A LOT of money to manage and keep this forum running, and also puts in a lot of her time into this forum ... all for us, and out of the kindness of her heart ... she doesn't get paid a dime. so when she sees someone that fights the system that is in place, it's complete disrespect to her and not someone we probably want as a part of this group.

ok, stepping off my box.

Ann & Jamy,
I totally get what you are saying. I asked about rules because I seem to be breaking ones that I did not know existed. I read the rules/guidelines in the thread above, but it didn't say anything about not asking for help in the shout box. worried2.gif
I am also the same person who messed up about the points. I wasn't trying to "do wrong", I just didn't get the system. Honestly, I still don't 100%. I have looked for detailed explanations, but can't find any really. (I haven't done what I was told was against the rules since I was informed!) So, I just try to do my best without offending anyone. But, that doesn't seem to be working either. BangHead.gif
I want to post and not be a "lurker", but I keep putting my foot in my mouth. smile27.gif
I am really NOT trying to "get around" rules. I was HONESTLY asking for them so that I could quit messin' up! I don't want to be the one who keeps getting called to the carpet.
Tammy - I apoligize (again) for offending you in ANY way. I appreciate this wonderful forum! As a new person, I have NO idea what you do or have done or what the costs are or what the sacrafices are for you. I am not saying that they are not true - I just don't know about them. I have NO idea what it takes to make something like this work - either technically or financially. But, I am learning a little as people post about it. So, thank you again.

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Originally Posted by Jones4Me View Post
I am also the same person who messed up about the points. I wasn't trying to "do wrong", I just didn't get the system. Honestly, I still don't 100%. I have looked for detailed explanations, but can't find any really. (I haven't done what I was told was against the rules since I was informed!)
i just don't know how you don't understand the point issue...its been posted about alot and you PM'd me for an explanation and i gave it to you.

you can only feign ignorance for so long.
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Honestly, I do not understand what the points mean. Besides being able to "buy" stuff - what is their real purpose? It is not "feigning ignorance". I don't get WHY they exist.

But, it doesn't matter. I am understanding HOW to use them, and I do. All I meant by still not understanding them is that I do not really understand WHY they exist.

I don't understand programing. Maybe it is some tracking thing? Maybe it is to avoid lurkers? Whatever the reason - it doesn't matter as long as I am using them correctly.

I was worried about having too few, so I began playing the lottery and have built up some points and no longer worry about that. So, I just use what I need and gain as I go.

I am not trying to say that there shouldn't be a point system. I sort of like seeing mine grow and I like winning the lottery and all.

I am just saying that I like to learn about things and have questions that I still don't know the answers to about the points. Not some huge deal. Just admitting that I don't know about it 100%. I have looked on here for explanations and can't find them.

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Brandi as Tammy has explained the points system is for buying items but also for downloading documents. It is a huge strain on the server to have people downloading items constantly and this is a way to control that a little bit. Tammy pays a lot of money for this forum and we all get to use it for free, many similar forums (that are not nearly as helpful and are incredibly catty) actually charge their members and Tammy has worked incredibly hard (along with all the mods) to keep this place running without charging the members, vendors and if you notice there are not ads unless you are signed on as a guest. This is a huge undertaking and so therefore the points help to control the amount of people using tons of server space.

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Like Christine had mentioned (as well as others) We have so many lurkers and members that join the forum but don't particapate, So for example bride joins, finds the DIY threads, wants to download everything in there and then are never back again,,,, all the while our server is running much slower and causing active members problems. IE point system is put in place so that only "active" members will have access to those files.


But on the fun side, you can also earn points to give gifts, change your user name font style, or play the lotto.

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right - beyond what christine and tammy mentioned, points are really just for fun. i mean, look at all my point - what will i ever do with them? no idea! but i can guy gifts, have fun with my user name, title, etc. i can give them to people that need them, etc. and sometimes we have little contests where the prize is points.

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THANK YOU LADIES! It helped me to understand a bit more. I don't get how computers really work, so the server thing it totally over my head. I get the idea that it helps keep down on "lurkers". Like I said, I just was trying to REALLY get it. This helped some. Thanks to the three of you! I sincerely was wanting to figure it out! Computer programing stuff puzzles me to no end! THANK YOU!

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I just want to throw my two cents in here. I have noticed that a lot of brides/grooms/groupies poorly label their new threads with some very, sometime, random title. I am sure I have done it before but am a work in progress :)


The reason I think this can be an issue is that if you are just searching the title of a thread you are not going to be able to find the information you are looking for. So let say I title something "HELP ME"

Then I proceed to chat about flowers and butterflies and puppies. Well how is the topic title going to help you figure out what I need help with and you may not find it when you are looking for answers on flowers, butterflies, or puppies. I am not sure if I am making any sense or if I could have just said..Title your posts with something that actually assists the viewer in knowing what it is about. My hope is that it will cut down on double topics.


**Steps down from box and turns back on group of confused people tossing shoes at her head**

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