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Engagment in York England!

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Simon and I have been together 9 years on the 21st Jan. We both went to the same school but starangly never knew about it ! When I met Simon I was going out with one of his close friends at the time (Ooops!)


There was a group of us that had booked to go on holiday together, at the time I was 16 and just left school so it was a big thing for me! I had booked to go with Rob but ended up going with Simon, It was a little arkward at times but it went pritty well considering.


2 yrs ago Simon took me on a weekend break to York for my birthday in Feb. York is so pritty! It had been snowing so it was very cold but beautiful, My Birthday is on 12th Feb so its close to valentines day. We had talked before about getting engaged but because we've been together from such a young age we just said we would leave it for now as we've got plenty of time and didn't want to rush plus we hadn't got our own place at the time and I was living with Simon and his parents.


When we were walking through York (doing a bit of hand bag and shoe shopping!) I noticed Simon looking in the window of a jewlers, He called me over and I followed him into the shop. I never thought anything of it. He said to the shop assistant " Theres 3 rings in the window I'd like to look at" Any way to cut an extreamly long story short we walked out the shop engaged! I think Simon was as suprised at what he'd done as much as I was LOLrofl.gif. Well we've just booked our wedding in Dreams Cancun for 12th Nov 2009! CAN'T WAIT!smile123.gif

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