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Pashminas (hopefully the last thread!)

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Aren't you in NY? I bought some really nice pashminas in Chinatown for about that price. Unfortunately when I was there I didn't even think about buying some for the wedding!!!
Yup, I sure am. Thats why I said that this isn't a big deal if I don't get my shipment. I can drag FI there this weekend & have him negotiate a price for how many I need. That will be my back up plan.

Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Another update:
This is really making me upset, so I CALLED him... AGAIN! This time he finally answered his phone! It's a shame I can't understand him and he can't understand me... but I think we worked through PART of our problems.

I told him these items are for weddings and I need them shipped by Friday. Of course he says they aren't in stock. I said, the odds of you not having ANY in stock are very slim. So, he said he will go to his warehouse and ship whatever he has. I'm PRAYING that he actually does this and that we at least get enough to send to LC_Rachel in time for her wedding, and then we have another week until the next wedding.

So, keep praying! Thank goodness he's finally answering his phone! I feel less hopeless!
Thanks again for the update. I just feel so bad for you to have to be going thru all this drama! Your efforts are definitely appreciated.
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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Another update:
This is really making me upset, so I CALLED him... AGAIN! This time he finally answered his phone! It's a shame I can't understand him and he can't understand me... but I think we worked through PART of our problems.

I told him these items are for weddings and I need them shipped by Friday. Of course he says they aren't in stock. I said, the odds of you not having ANY in stock are very slim. So, he said he will go to his warehouse and ship whatever he has. I'm PRAYING that he actually does this and that we at least get enough to send to LC_Rachel in time for her wedding, and then we have another week until the next wedding.

So, keep praying! Thank goodness he's finally answering his phone! I feel less hopeless!
haha does he have counting issues? when we ordered I thought only teal or something similar was out of stock? Grr...bottom line he sucks. censored.gif

Thank you for all the work though. When I'm on the wedding trip, I won't even be thinking about the little pashminas. We will survive!
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
I know and the worst part about that is, he was telling the other bride on here who contacted him, that they had everything in stock, but it might go on backorder cuz they were popular. How about they MIGHT cuz they already ARE! That punkacheen.
Is it safe to ask what a punkacheen is? wink.gif

I'm definitly good to wait, especially if it means we get the whole order! I'm thinking happy positive thoughts :)

thanks ladies
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HA! I didn't even realize I used that word. My 4 year old neice made it up. She called her 2 year old brother a punk-a-chino once and it morphed into punkacheen. "Punk" is a word I use very loosely, so I think she got the first part from me, but she totally made up the -achino part.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
HA! I didn't even realize I used that word. My 4 year old neice made it up. She called her 2 year old brother a punk-a-chino once and it morphed into punkacheen. "Punk" is a word I use very loosely, so I think she got the first part from me, but she totally made up the -achino part.
straight out of the mouth's of babes! too cute!
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