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Milk for older babies/toddlers in the RM

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Hi just a quick non-wedding related questions - but thought some of you ladies would know! My sons will be 3 and 1 when we travel so both will be drinking full fat milk (we stay in the UK so it is cows milk) - can anyone advise me of the full fat milk available in the RM - is it cows/goats etc and is is pasturised and therefore safe for my kids to drink?


Tanks, Lyn xxx

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Hi Lyn:


I'm not sure where you'll be in the RM, but unless you're planning on being WAY out in the middle of no where, you'll have no problem finding regular old, pasturized, homogenized fresh milk. Worst case, you'll also be able to find Parmalat and like that. Your hotel will have it in every restaurant.


There's even a Walmart and a Bodega (a Walmart company) in Playa del Carmen.


Don't worry at all... you'll be just fine.

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I'm not sure about in the Riviera Maya, but we were in Puerto Vallarta in November for our site visit/vacation and we had our two kids ages 2 and 9 with us. Our 2 year old did not like the milk. He drank some, but really didn't want it. We bought our milk at the Walmart and in restaurants however he didn't drink nearly as much as he does at home. My daughter said the milk tasted different. I'm not sure if it was the heat or what, but we gave him ice cream when we could to help out with the lack of milk. He at a lot of fruit and drank bottled water as well. He just didn't care for the milk. I hope this helps!

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I'm not sure about in the Riviera Maya, but we were in Puerto Vallarta in November for our site visit/vacation and we had our two kids ages 2 and 9 with us. Our 2 year old did not like the milk. He drank some, but really didn't want it. We bought our milk at the Walmart and in restaurants however he didn't drink nearly as much as he does at home. My daughter said the milk tasted different. I'm not sure if it was the heat or what, but we gave him ice cream when we could to help out with the lack of milk. He at a lot of fruit and drank bottled water as well. He just didn't care for the milk. I hope this helps!

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I moved my family to Playa del Carmen last August and we have 2 children, our son is almost 5 but our daughter had just turned 1 when we got here 6 months ago. We have used the Mexican LALA brand of milk (all the stores carry it) for both whole milk and lite versions. Both our kids are heavy milk drinkers and neither had any problems adjusting to LALA. Just a heads up, you do not buy it in cartons like in the states, but in small boxes that are vacumn sealed. Thus, they do not need to be refrigerated until they are opened. Take care and good luck.

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