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Separate TTD dress?

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I used my actual dress - went into the ocean and the pool - and it was totally fine. I actually haven't dry cleaned it yet, but I would totally wear it as it is. The only thing I'd worry about it what someone mentioned above - if your dress is light, make sure it won't be see through when wet!

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I'm undecided whether to buy another dress or use my wedding gown. The thing that worries me the most is the length of time that will pass before I can get it drycleaned. I will do the TTD shoot during the first week since my brother is doing it for us for free but we are staying a second week for our honeymoon. I'm not sure just rinsing it out with water will be enough. It will sit over a week or more with salt and maybe pool water in it and I'm afraid drycleaning won't be able to help that. Also, have you ever noticed when you go to the Caribbean or Mexico your clothes come back smelling musty. It is hard to get the smell out.

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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
I wore two different dresses...you can see them in the slideshows in my sig below.

I kinda did it backwards. I bought a dress, but decided it wasn't formal enough so I bought anothe dress. The first dress became my TTD dress. I totally could have worn my original dress though. My TTD dress wasn't wrecked at all. I just rinsed it out in the tub after we got back to the hotel and you'd never know the difference- we rolled around in the sand, rode horses and everything...
I just bought my dress really quickly some weeks ago (I went to the States just to buy one) I just felt like I had to come back home (japan) with a dress because I wouldnt be back in the states before the wedding. But now I am feeling like I should have gotten this other dress. My Fiance says I should call the boutique of the first dress that I wanted and get them to ship it to me. Should I? Do you regret buying 2 dresses? Did you sale your first dress? I am really freaked about me wasting money like that!
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I planned on using my real dress... but now that I might own two dresses I don't know which one I'll use.


Does anyone want to buy a dress, well, that is if I ever get it!?

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I have had a few girls wear their wedding dress but most of them have worn a 2nd dress. I can understand not wanting to trash a dress you spent $$$ on!

I would recommend finding something flowy because it looks awesome in the photos! I have a few photos of a dress trashing in the photo gallery. (not her real dress btw)

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Yup, my wedding dress is taking the plunge. It won't be ruined and at any rate, the odds of one of my daughters wanting to wear the thing in another 20+ yrs are almost zero. lol Besides, for as much as we all spend on these dresses to wear one day, I think we should get our money's worth out of them.


Jones4- first off, I didn't get the chance to say THANK YOU for sending me the ad!! Its taped to the wall right next to my computer screen. I love it. Too cute. As to the suits, ya, thats a valid concern, but I think with the types of material that are used for lightweight suits generally used for DW's it might be fine. Do you have his suit yet and if so, whats it made of? The lighter fabrics...cottons ofcourse, and linen are generally ok once dry cleaned. Even most of the lightweight man made stuff (polyesters and such). I've found that even some things that have labels stating "Dry Clean Only" can be washed carefully. FH and his guys are wearing linen drawstring pants and the shirts are linen too, so I'm not worried.

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