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rain, rain go away


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Despite my better judgment I started checking the weather for the RM next week. Before and after our 9 day trip it's predicted to be partly sunny every day. But during our trip it's showers, thunderstorms or partly cloudy every day. Boo...


Yesterday, it wasn't this bad. What if it keeps getting worse??


I know that I can't change the weather, so it's not something that I should stress over but it just makes me really sad. I've dreamed about this forever and have been planning for 13 months.


I HATE our rain locations. The chapel has a life-size crucifix and neither of us our religious in the slightest way. And our indoor reception site is the most boring room I've ever seen. It's just a big white room that smells like must.I just want to be married outside on the beach and have my reception outside. It doesn't have to be super sunny. I just don't want it to be awful out.


Everyone said this would be the dry season... If I weren't at work I think I would have cried by now sad.gif


In my heart of hearts I know that the only important thing that day is that Pete and I are married but it's just a hard pill to swallow to think that everything you planned could be thrown out the window.


wow, that was long. but I just needed to vent and felt like you ladies would understand. thanks.

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our wedding was during hurricane season and about 3 weeks before I started checking the weather everyday and it said RAIN EVERYDAY, I'm not even kidding, for like a month straight it was all rain.


We got there and it hardly rained at all. We had a brief shower the first day, sometimes late in the afternoon there would be a quick shower, that was it.


Our wedding day was the most perfect weather of the week, made me glad I chose friday and not saturday because saturday night it POURED! That was the only time it rained hard.


So, the moral, lol, if it rains it will be just quick spurts.


the whole time we were at EDR it was supposed to rain too and the only day it was overcast was the day we got there, other than that, blue skies and sun!


Don't stress, everything will be wonderful!

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I was in Cabo but same deal.. I started checking the weather and freaked before we left.. within a week, the weather forecast completely changed and it was 93 and sunny every day! I almost wish it was semi-cloudy.. first the sun wouldn't have been in my eyes the entire ceremony and second, photos of the sky with clouds are so gorgeous!!


My fingers are crossed for you but like the other girls said, if it does rain, it won't last..

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Oh Bre, I am right there with you. For some reason, accuweather's prediction is better than weather.com. For our reception, we have to stay at the Health Bar, and they will be pulling down the plastic curtains! I am not crazy about this idea either!

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Originally Posted by sheaa View Post
Oh Bre, I am right there with you. For some reason, accuweather's prediction is better than weather.com. For our reception, we have to stay at the Health Bar, and they will be pulling down the plastic curtains! I am not crazy about this idea either!
And yesterday I was telling you not to worry about weather! Me and my stupidity!

Okay, hopefully all these great ladies are right and it won't rain on our big day... Fingers crossed!
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