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Getting a whiter smile


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I've used Aquafresh white trays and think it worked really well.. it hurt one of the times I think b/c I left it in too long but overall it's not too painful and I have sensitive teeth.. The listerine self-dissolve strips don't work that well in my opinion.

I've also used Rembrandt in the past and think there whiteners worked pretty well.

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I just visited my dentist a week ago, and got my do it yourself kit! I just started last night, but I can allready see the difference! It feels more safe than a laser treatment, and I also like that I can control the brightness. I dont want an over the top white smile, needs to look natural. And with this dental kit from my dentist I can stop when I want. My FI also started a couple of weeks ago, ( I used him for testing LOL) And he looks great now!

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I've tried everything (teeth are very important in my family). I had trays made at the dentist and liked them. For what to put in the trays I liked Rembrandt. I did not like Opalescence (sp?) which is what the dentist sold. It was stronger which made my teeth sensitive and my gums bleed (gross I know). I went to a dentist that offered Brite Smile to see if I could get them whiter but the dentist said no. Now I use Crest White Strips a few times a year but I think they're pretty white from all the previous bleaching :)


I've also heard the color of lipstick also makes a difference (no orange undertones since it makes your teeth look yellow).

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I use Crest Whitening Strips about once a year, and they work great for me! I actually went to a new dentist today, and he complimented me on how white my teeth were; he thought I had it professionally bleached by a dentist. Considering I've been known to partake in too much nicotine & coffee, it works great. However, my fiance used it, and it didn't work at all for him. I guess it just depends on the person? But for $25, it's worth a shot!

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