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PLEASE HELP!!! Chapel SNAFU! (long)

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Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
as a guest, i probably wouldn't even notice or give it a second thought.
Ann nailed it. Your guests will not even notice. All of the attention will be focused on the two of you. And if they do.... hey its mex.

Maybe they could dim the lights back there?
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Ugh Corey, so sorry you're having to deal with this. Take a deep breath. IMHO, I would be upset if I were you too. You booked at a place thinking it would look a certain way, and if anything were to change that you would be notified. Unfortunately, the photos were deceiving. And it's not your style (not mine either haha) - BUT - it's Mexico, and its not uncharacteristic of Mexico to have a fresco on a chapel wall. Yeah, it's not great, but it's not horrible looking either.


I honestly think if you cover it up, it will just draw more attention, and how could they seriously tastefully cover all of that space up? Juan Carlos is a pro, and I am sure that he can manage to take photos that leave the mural out -- or worst case scenario he can edit them out. As far as what your guests think, I think that Ann has it right. They're going to be focusing on you and Phil and not the painting on the wall. That said, it wouldnt hurt to ask them to cover it up so you can see what it would look like, and if it's the lesser of two evils keep it up. If it looks horrid, take it down, and I'm sure nobody will notice. And explaining it to the guests will only draw more unwanted attention. Just my two cents.


Sending a hug your way!

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that is a really beautiful space - i love it! and i have to say i really don't like the angel god hands mural at all - i definitely would try to do a temporary cover with fabric. i think asking them to re-paint it is asking way too much since you are only going to be using it one day and it is 'theirs' but fabric could really look great!

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My girlfriend was married at a nice hotel in Las Vegas. The chapel was gilded in gold but let me tell you when the beautiful bride walked down the isle, nobody paid any attention to the chapel (nor were any comments made).. all eyes were on the bride and groom and their beautiful ceremony.

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I think everyone has it about right. No one is going to notice. But... it will be in your pics and that is a consideration.


My advice is (a) get a photo of what it's going to look like covered up. If you like it, no problem. If not then (B) talk to your photog (perhaps send a photo of the new-and-not-so-improved chapel) and see what he says about his ability to photo shop the mural out of at least the close-up pics.


That being said, I don't think its awful. Just not to your (or my) taste.

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Originally Posted by jas&john View Post
Oh my gosh I can't imagine anyone caring about that picture. Hey it's Mexico and it is exactly what I would expect to happen in MX. It's always hit and miss. If you have a good photographer you could just ask her/him to tyr to keep it out of the pictures if you really don't like it. In years from now it will be a great conversation piece when showing your album. I'd just laugh it off, have a blaast and enjoy the people (including that artist).
I'm usually pretty picky, but I don't think anyone will really notice. If they do, I'm sure they'll just accept it as Mexican art. I didn't see it before and I didn't have my heart set on it as it was before, but I really don't think anyone will think twice about it.
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I LOVE this chapel..its beautiful!!! but i do know what you mean by the painting (I'm not a fan of the colours) but like you i'm very picky.


I was actually looking at getting married at the other chapel ( mission or something) and now that I see this chapel I want to get married there (even with the painting haha). I emailed them and they rent it out for 1200$.


do you know how far this chapel is from dreams anyonehuh.gif

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Thank you, thank you girls! You have all made me feel so much better ... my friends and I have laughed over it! I think it was just the initial shock of it all ... I know it will all work out.


So funny that the poll is 50 / 50 for leaving it alone vs. covering it up!!!


My WC gave the same advice that many of you have - ask them to send a picture of it covered so that I can decide. I will do that later this week and will post it when I get it. For right now, I'm just going to let it rest! :)


Kiki --- I think it might be a bit of a travel from dreams. It's located in downtown San Jose. We're going to be having the reception at La Panga and we'll be walking as a group with the mariachis to the reception (like a parade! :))

If you did something similar, then you would just need transportation to and from San Jose, but not in between the ceremony and reception. And, again, Blanca (at El Encanto) has been SO very nice.

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Originally Posted by jas&john View Post
Oh my gosh I can't imagine anyone caring about that picture. Hey it's Mexico and it is exactly what I would expect to happen in MX. It's always hit and miss. If you have a good photographer you could just ask her/him to tyr to keep it out of the pictures if you really don't like it. In years from now it will be a great conversation piece when showing your album. I'd just laugh it off, have a blaast and enjoy the people (including that artist).
I totally agree. I wouldn't let it stress me out one bit. No one is going to notice, and if they do no one is going to care. I think of all the things that went wrong at our Ceremony, and laugh it off. Really, it about you and future hubby. Everyone will be relaxed, in Mexico, having a great time. Those are the things you need to give up when your planning a destination wedding... everything is not going to go exactly how you planned it. Just go with it.

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I don't think anyone will think anything of it.... it's a section of the paintings from the Sistene Chapel. This section is called is "the creation" by DaVinci. the angels on the outside, if I'm crediting correctly, are either by Rafael or Titian (might be wrong on that).


I would say that if you cover it up, it will look more akward. I absolutely LOVE these two paintings. Maybe you could look into the history of these Renaissance paintings and use that as an explanation to anyone who may comment.


Honestly, I wouldn't expect much protest/comment from people. Both of these are really well known religious paintings and are very "normal" to see in churches/chapels.

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