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When your dress comes in, whats next?

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Ok ladies, I have a question for those of you who's dresses have arrived. I just got a message saying that my dress is in & that I need to call back & schedule a "try on". She also stated that if I already have my alteration appts to keep them because those are separate from my try on appt.


Now my question is this: When I go to try on the dress, after that, do I take it home with me, or does it stay in the store? My 1st alteration appt is in February so I thought I'd be bringing it home with me.


One of my friends said that they kept her dress until her alteration appt & she didn't take it home until it was done.smile27.gif

I had no idea thats what the process was. I thought I'd be taking it home with me to stare at until February! smile123.gif


I am going to call the store in a few minutes but I just wanted to know what was your process?

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My place is holding my dress until I leave for the wedding. They have some sort of specially temperatured room for dresses (who knew?!!), plus if it's in their hands, then it's insured in case something happens. I'm not sure if all places offer this though. It's worth it just to call and ask what they will usually do.

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I'll know what their process is when I call first thing in the morning. Its driving me crazy. I'd love nothing more than to bring it home to stare at for the next few weeks, because the thought of it finally in but still in the store worries me. What if they sell it to someone else by mistake? What if it gets damaged? I know these are all far stretches, but hey, I'm in anxiety mode now that I know the dress is here. LOL!

And with bringing it home until its time for alterations would worry me cuz I'd hate to have something happen to it while in my house.


SIGH....I don't know why I'm in crazy mode smile105.gif cuz I'm sure its gonna wind up staying at the store. I guess the excitement of knowing that its finally in is whats killing me.

Thanks for your responses.

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