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Isn't this Las Caletas???

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So I'm vacation planning and found this place in Negril. I click on weddings because I'm nosey, and look what photo they have as an example:


Click the image to open in full size.


Here's the site:

N I R V A N A * on * the * beach...



Isn't that the exact same pic that is (or was) on the Vallarta Adventures site?


I remember the couple plus that looks like my wedding...ROFL!


Am I wrong or how shady is that?

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Originally Posted by MelissaH View Post
If they're the same resort chain a lot of times they will use standard/stock photos like that.

While me & my girlfriends were looking for somewhere to go this month we came across a lot of that!
Caletas isn't at all a chain though, it's not even a "place" you'd vacation - it's a beach! lol How strange, i totally remember that picture!
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It's a stock photo then... companies can use whatever images they want for marketing, as long as they purchase the images.


Think about how many company websites you visit where it has a picture of the beautiful, happy employee who dresses oh-so professionally and always has a smile on their face with an upscale looking decor to the background. Then, when you call their customer service, it's been outsourced to the middle east....


same thing applies with weddings/vendors/venues...

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Originally Posted by yari2566 View Post
I am so happy that we have had so many actual LC weddings with pics, so we know that pic is the real deal.

I guess we could think of it as flattery, since Las Caletas is the best place in the world! smile72.gif
lol - exactly! who wouldn't want to use their pics!
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That's no stock photo! I'm quite sure LC wouldn't sell their pics for other venues to use as theirs, I think they are too protective of what they have to do that.


It bothers me because this is another legitimate (I think?) business. Shoot the resort has top ratings on Trip Advisor, that's how I found the site in the first place!


If it were a personal website and the pics were decoration it would be one thing, but to advertise weddings and put a pic of another country....that's like the Plaza Hotel in New York saying "we do weddings here" and putting a picture of a wedding at the Hyatt in New Orleans.....wtf?


I think I'll email Nicole for kicks :P

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