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Question--Should we use fake rings?

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I have mixed feelings about this...


My FH and I are thinking about using a "fake" ring at our ceremony so we don't have to take my real set. We are going to use his real wedding band because it was realatively inexpensive (at least compared to mine).


My set is a very simple solitaire and eternity band. I happened to find almost the exact same set at Macys. I went ahead and bought it so I don't have to travel with mine and worry about theft, loss, damage.


So, on the one hand it's not a bad idea, but I also want to get married with my ring.


Any thoughts? Feel free to tell me if I'm over analyzing. I tend to do that!

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I totally get the worries about theft and such. But, I just can't imagine not having my ring be the one that the minister prays over. How long will you be there before the wedding? Because once you are married, you can keep it on and not worry about theft. What about wearing it on your right hand from when you arrive until the ceremony? I wouldn't want to do that - but it wouldn't be left in the room that way.....

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Funny. My FI told me in no uncertain terms that my engagement ring would not be coming with us to our wedding. I get his point, but I WANT my ring there!!!


In the end, I'll probably go with a set of fakes. Honestly, if anything were to happen to the real one, I'd probably die crying, so ultimately its better with the fakes.

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We're bringing ours. My rings would be really hard to find in fake (they have sapphires) and I can't imagine getting married without them. We'll use the safe in our room, and probably will carve out a book or something inconspicous to hide things in. Our rings are insured, so as much as I'd hate to have them stolen or lost, at least we are covered...

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