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F-MIL part two


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Long story short Marty (F-MIL) got pissed at me last night to harping on AL(her dog) for jumping up against our dining room furniture and kitchen cabinets. (he is scratching them and it's pissing me off because it's all brand new, even our front door going into our home is all scratched up because of him) Cain's stressed because Marty and I have been at it lately, and then when Marty got mad at me last night (over telling her dog to get down off our furniture) we were all just about to sit down for dinner and that's when she got mad, took AL upstairs and didn't eat dinner, she stayed up there for the rest of the night. OMG, first if she would take care of her own d@mn dog, then I wouldn't have to. Second, is she "5" to have to sit and pout all night about me yelling at AL?


She told me the other night that it hurts her feelings when I yell at AL, she said AL is her son, and when Cain was little it hurt her feelings when no one wanted to baby-sit him because he was so hyper. UMM hello get a clue, maybe it's because you don't discipline your dog/kid.


Sorry I have no pity on her right now. I did tell Cain (for his sake only) that from now on I will just tell Marty to grab AL, and she can deal with it. But some how I don't' think that is going to work.


I'm just so sick of her, Cain and I got a Christmas card on Saturday, it clearly said our names on it, and she freakin opened it and read it... I wanted to blow up at her, but I kept quiet and just walked away. How hard is it to say "oh you guys got a Christmas card, would you mind if I read it?" Instead of assuming anything in our house is her right to look at...... UGH.. 2 more months.. seriously I really don't know if I'm going to make it..

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Tammy that is insane. I think you need Cain to maybe talk to her about boundaries or something? He has got to stick up for you! It's better for everyone involved, don't you think?


Anyway....you are a saint. If I were you I think I would drink a bottle of wine per night! lol

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Cain has already talked to her about how she talks to me sometimes. But it's actually causing him stress to see me and his ma bicker at each other. I think I need to talk to Marty, for Cain's sake. But in her eyes shes perfect and I'm sure I'll be spinning my wheels.


The worst part of all of this is that Cain is on a 5pm to 5am shift for the next two weeks so I'm stuck at home,,, alone with Marty.. Yeah drinking sounds like it might be a good choice.. :-) UGH.. why does it have to be so hard, I mean all I wanted was to help his Ma because I knew it was important to Cain and now I feel like my head is about it fly off with stress..

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Oh wow Tammy - I really feel for you! I think it would be hard to live with my FMIL regardless - let alone with her pulling crap like that. Maybe you should open some of her mail - see how she likes that!? Ok, maybe stooping to her level isn't the right answer ...


When is the move-out date? You should put a count down in your siggy ... give you something to look forward to!

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Oh my Tammy... I can't believe she's still at it..


I'm soo sorry you have to deal with this... but think of it this way.. it will be like the best wedding present EVER when she moves out! You're a saint.. and I agree with the other girls... WINE!!

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Oh Boy! Hold in there girl, its almost over. Janet is right though, Cain needs to talk to his mother as do you. In fact maybe all 3 of you need to sit down and say "listen, we need to figure out a way to make then next 2 months comfortable for everyone". Each of you say whats most important to you and then you all could maybe comprimise to accomadate the others needs/wants for the next 2 months.

I feel bad that its stressing Cain out and you dont want to stress him out further but, its also stressing you and your FMIL out. So he may just need to be involved in this whole thing in order to keep any future relationship between you and FMIL intact.

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OK so part Three..


I sent her an email trying to work things out for Cain's sake.. The email I got back from her was horrible, it's like she in her mind I'm the biggest bitch in the world and she's making up sh*t that is totally not true. I called Cain and told him about her email back and he offered to talk to her, but OMG I'm in total awe right now. I'm waiting to calm down because if I respond to her right now I will totally blow a gasket... She is suppose to be an adult but is seriously acting so young and stupid right now. I guess I was stupid to think she would ever reconize that we both can make mistakes and we both need to work on them. What if f-in b*tch.. Seriously I'm at a total loss right now. I don't want to go home tonight because I don't want to talk to her, look at her or be near her.. UGH.....

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