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ok everytime I go to hit "view last post" on a thread sometimes it pops up with this....




403 Permission Denied


You do not have permission for this request /forum/t13057-np



Then it goes back to normal and I can see thread....maybe i'm to quick for the forum but still bothersome sometimes.

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that would be one for Tammy (and Steve) to look at. If I remember correctly, it has something to do with the persmissions file in relation to a user group code. But the thing that makes me question that is that normally if there's a conflict in that file, the message simply stays put. It doesn't allow the user to re-create the action and have it complete successfully the second time around....

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Originally Posted by MsShelley View Post
it says that to me all the time now, that and this websitedeclined to show this page or something like that
This happens all the freakin' time to me! I also thought it was my work. But - it happens at home too. Frustrating!BangHead.gif
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