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I can't log on from work!

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I haven't been on the forum in freakin forever because of the stupid internet tracker thing at my job. Apparently the managing partner has nothing better to do with his time other than check out the website filter to see what his attorneys are looking at! Urgh, get a life! I have been at my new job for about 6 or 7 weeks now, and I am about ready to quit! Normally I would say that the office manager is just blowing smoke up my ass, but I was talking to one of the secretaries and she told me she was actually written up for surfing on the clock...


Everyday I come home and by the time I make dinner and settle down stupid FI comes home and monopolizes all my time! Everytime I am actually able to log on I am like 2,000 posts in the hole... whats a girl to do?!?!?!

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I noticed a little icon on my toolbar at work that is a tracking thing. Every morning I turn it off, but I'm not sure if it actually totally turns off. I just started this job a few months ago, so I'm just waiting to get called in and reprimanded. But it's just so hard to go all day without logging in here!

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We are tracked too but my director hasn't done a report- thank goodness. I would be so embarrassed. I pride myself on being a good employee, but am I really? I'm on here all the time. At least my work isn't affected.


We are a big company too so I don't think our little techies have found my habit. I hope they never do!

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