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Water heater sorrows (long)

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This have been a little difficult at our house lately so I am asking for prayers, well-wishes- whatever!

Chris started a business venture that has not panned out and he didn't want to admit it wasn't working so he held onto it longer than he should have. Only within the past month has he confessed it wasn't going well and he was going to stop doing it. He does have a second job but right now 2 of us are living off that income. I work when I can but school is draining most of my time.

Well a few nights ago I went to take a shower and there was no hot water! There was a small gas leak so we grabbed the animals and left the house to wait for the gas company to come and check us out--they shut off the gas to the water heater.


So we had to wait a few days because of the holiday but finally the repair guy came and said the water heater was dead and needed a new one. We went out today and got a new one but that took a LOT of our tiny bit of money. If we could move our wedding date we would but at this point we have put down so many deposits that we would stand to loose over $1,000. I know this is how life goes but right now I feel like a child trying to plan a really big party with her tiny allowance.

Chris' parent told us they were going to give us $1,000 for the wedding but only ended up giving us $500 so that is causing us issues.


blush2.gifSorry- I will stop now, it just feels good to get this all out there. We know we are perfect for each other and I never doubted this wasn't the best idea ever ( getting married) but I question if pretending we have money is so smart.

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Isn't that how it always works, when you need the money for something else, something at home breaks. I'm so sorry, I definetly know what you're going through, since it happened to us over the summer, 3 months before the wedding, and we were so strapped for cash because DH took a new job, that never started and was out of work all summer, it sucked!!


Okay, back to your problem :) try not to worry, it will all work itself out. What about checking out craigslist, sometimes I see jobs on there, where someone just needs help for a day, or a week or something, maybe that could give you a little extra cash. Don't worry everything will work out!

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oh stephanie, i'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this! and it's so dang cold here - the thought of a gas/heat issue is just awful. i'm just minutes away from where you're getting married - if there's anything i can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask!

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Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
oh stephanie, i'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this! and it's so dang cold here - the thought of a gas/heat issue is just awful. i'm just minutes away from where you're getting married - if there's anything i can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask!

Thanks to you all for your kind words! It has been a difficult day but I am very aware it could be WAY worse than it is. Shivering while washing my hair really isn't all that bad.

Oh and Ann if you want to help out you sure can come be our DJ!!rockon.gif We can't afford one so we are renting the equipment.
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Originally Posted by CarrieRN View Post
That is frustrating to have to replace your water heater at a time like this. Think of it this way...if you and your FI can get through tough times like these, you can get through anything. Things will get better.
Yes it is a good test of things. We joked awhile back that every couple should have to put something together from IKEA before they even get engaged. That is a good test of your "couple" skills.
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