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Whats up with my mom

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Now my mom is very laid back. Since we starting wedding planning she's been looking at pics of flowers with me but always just listening to what I wanted. Well last Thursday when we went dress shopping, her opinions start coming out. We were looking at bridesmaid dresses. She was fine with the style of dresses I picked out. (I picked 3, there in another post Which BM Dress) But when we starting looking at colors, she became difficult.


We already picked out the groosmen shirts. I let derek pick out some of his favorites and I pretty much had the final say on which ones to get.

These are gm shirts:

Click the image to open in full size.

My mom wanted the BM dresses in colors like apricot and pool blue. Both colors I love but would look awful with the gm shirts. And everytime i picked a color, she made a gagging face, rolled her eyes, and would say no way! Oh and I had to keep hearing "That's not tropical enough. You need a tropical bright color!" And she even started complaining about the gm shirts we picked out.


What happened to my laidback wonderful mom? She turned into Mom of Bride -zilla! Is this typical? I told her she's banned from coming to look at bm dresses again!!!

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Unfortunately Danielle, you will find that wedding planning turns otherwise completely sane people into crazy people. Gotta love the mothers. My mom save her crazy up for when we were actually IN Cabo, the day before the wedding. She got all clingy and high maintenance and was pushing all my buttons. Hopefully your mom will get it out on the brides maid dresses!

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Yeah, my mom had some super-zilla moments when we were doing stuff. She still does, but I've learned to keep her a little more distant then my sister.


BTW, I love your GM shirts, so don't listen to her! They don't get much more tropical then huge flowers! I actually just emailed my FI to see what he thinks about these shirts, but our girls dresses are printed, so I doubt these would be ok...

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Originally Posted by carlymcmullen View Post
BTW, I love your GM shirts, so don't listen to her! They don't get much more tropical then huge flowers! I actually just emailed my FI to see what he thinks about these shirts, but our girls dresses are printed, so I doubt these would be ok...
Thanks! We love the shirts too. I thought about doing printed bm dresses but all the ones I saw didn't really go good with shirt.
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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Unfortunately Danielle, you will find that wedding planning turns otherwise completely sane people into crazy people.
Isn't that the truth! Sorry Danielle, it always sucks when your freedom to do what you want is threatened by others' opinions. It sure does take the joy right out! Just stay true to what you like and try not to fight with mom....in the end you'll both see that none of this matters.
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