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Guess Where I Was This Weekend!


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Thanks everyone!!!


Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
lmao - Jessica, you have been so active during your pregnancy that when I read the title of this thread I was actually like "oh cool, where'd she go??" smile120.gif
LOL. I actually had all these plans for the day I went into labor and the next couple of days. Guess Aiden decided that he didn't like those plans!



Originally Posted by amym567 View Post
Congratulations, Jessica!!! From that pic, he looks a lot like his Daddy! So glad everything went well for you!


He does look a lot like Brian. He definitely has Brian's "butt chin". The first thing the nurses said was "He has your chin!"


Originally Posted by CarrieRN View Post
He is adorable! You need to send us pics of him with his "special" presents that he and Brian received. Congrats! Hopefully you have someone to come help you for the first week. All my sister wanted to do was sleep. Even at the hospital...they kept bringing the baby back to her coz he was crying and disturbing the other babies in the nursery.
Hahaha. It took me awhile to figure out what you meant by special presents. How could I forget?! Yeah, definitely have to take pictures of him spitting up all over his bear and whatnot wink.gif


Your poor sister! I think there was a baby like that at the hospital... in the next room actually. The mother kept her baby in her room during the night and I coul hear the little thing crying alllllll the time I was there.

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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
Congratulations! I was thinking maybe you were in the hospital, since we haven't seen you for a couple of days.

12/30 is my daughters birthday too!
Cool! Yay for 12/30!

Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Yay!!! Congratulations!!!! How exciting!

I am glad to hear you are both doing well! And, for your first baby, that is a super short labor!

I know! I think my dr had dinner plans or something because the first thing she said to me was "We're going to get this baby out by dinner time." But hell, I wasn't about to argue!

Originally Posted by starchild View Post
BTW, how cool is December going to be for Aiden between Christmas and Birthday presents? I always wanted to be that kid LOL
I know!!! I'm going to have to start saving up money for next December now, sheesh!

Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
Congrats Jessica! He's too cute. Glad to hear you guys are doing well.

How do you think the dog will react to Aiden?
The puppy is actually doing great. I was worried because she's a little overzealous and is teething. I mean, she bites my ankles at least once a day, so I was expecting problems. But she has been sooo good with Aiden. She's very protective. She sleeps in the room with us, and everytime Aiden makes a peep, she runs to the bassinet and tries to look in. If I let him cry too long she gets pissed at me and will run to me and tug on my pants leg and swipe at me to pay attention. I'm so glad, because I don't even know what we would have done if she didn't react well.

Originally Posted by host View Post
awww...jessica...welcome to mommyhood!! he is absolutely perfect...PERFECT!!! i wish we were closer so i could meet him...
Aww, that would have been awesome to have Jackson and Aiden playdates. It's been awesome so far. I can't wait to get your advice/feedback on stuff since you have a few months of experience on me.
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