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Mini-meltdown confession


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Date/time: Saturday 12/29/2007 - 4:00 pm.

Event: Minor psychotic break.


I hate apartment living. I hate clutter. I hate living with f-d up furniture. I hate that I can't open the fridge door without running into the laundry room door that we have to leave open because that's where the cat box is. I hate trying to do laundry around the cat box. I hate that my husband doesn't have the ability to fold bed sheets on his own, so the ones that got washed last weekend have been sitting in a crumpled wrinkled pile on the floor on his side of the bed. Seriously?? I can fold sheets by myself, why can't he??


I just walked in the door with groceries, put them on the "dining room" table right next to the kitchen. In comes hubby going thru all the groceries & spreading them all over the place. I kinda snapped at him & said "I'm not ready for that yet, I have to reorganize the fridge & the cupboard so there's room." Then I was trying to pull my laundry out of the dryer & kept tripping over the cat box while hubby & step son stood & watched me. I just feel a little flipped out right now. I can't do shit without them being on top of me. And the cat's meowing and the dog is barking. OMG!!!


I totally know this is just temporary & nobody is trying to make me crazy. We've been in this apartment for 4 months now, and probably have at least 4 more to go. I just can't stand it. I mean, we have so little room in our stupid kitchen that we have to store pasta, napkins and crackers in the damn china cabinet! And don't even get me started on the pathetic coat closet that isn't even deep enough to hang an empty hanger in. Or the rediculous cabinet over the refrigerator that you can't get to. Or the lame washer & dryer that we have to use because we aren't allowed to bring in our own appliances - bullshit things are ruining all my clothes.


How about the damn king size bed blanket of Richards that he decided he didn't want in his room that's been sitting on the dining room floor for the past month? I just went & crammed it back into his closet. Oh yes, and the fact that the dog & cat food/water is on the fireplace hearth. And the box of DVD's stored on the floor next to the fireplace. And the rediculously gigantic coffee table we have that Richard burned about 50 holes in by burning my incense directly on it. And the 15 fricking piles of miscellaneous computer CD's laying ALL OVER THE HOUSE!


I'm completely over this. It sucks. OK, it's all out now. Feeling better. I wonder if my husband & Richard will ever come back from their trip to Target?

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I hate apt. living too...and it's totally fine to get annoyed/bothered/upset/whatever!!!


I have no words of wisdom, but just think...You are half way there! Only 4 more months to go instead of 8!


Can you put the litter box in the restroom? I would be afraid to accidentally drop clean clothes in it....

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Oh you poor thing -- but I had to laugh a bit b/c I am a clutter-bug and FH goes CRAZY b/c of it. My "project" this weekend is to clean out one of the spare bedrooms, which I have piled up with crap.FH is a total military style neat freak. Everything has its place and NO clutter ... so I can imagine what you are feeling b/c he can't stand my pack-rat tendencies.


I'm glad you are able to let it out and vent.



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OMG Martha, there is NO WAY the litter box would fit in either of the restrooms. That's how small this place is! It's best where it is at this point. And it has a cover, so it's like a house. Can't drop laundry in it.


The one an only time I've ever lived in an apartment was in college. Back then it was cool. Now, not so cool.


**The bathroom is great too. It has this three door medicine cabinet as the mirror. Every time you touch one single thing in there, everything on the shelf falls over like dominos. It is awesome!

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Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post
yuck! You really are packed in there nice and firm aren't you. This may or may not make you feel better but my friend has a 1 year old, she lives in a 2 bedroom apt ( expecting child #2 in a month) and some A-hole just bought her son an inflatable ball pit! WTF- in an apartment!
OK, that's just cruel! Doesn't make me feel better, but it makes me laugh!

And I love your description "packed in nice & firm" - oh girl, you don't even know. Even my car port is pulling double duty with a motorcycle in the front & then my car. I haven't knocked the bike over yet, but I'm willing to be it's only a matter of time.

Originally Posted by babycow View Post
WOW! Let it out lady!LOL!
I'm amazed you've haven't completely lost it after 4 months! That totaly warrants a Full out meltdown.
I'm very cluttery and messy but if it's someone else's stuff I can't stand it.
Yeah, I'm not like a total neat freak or anything, but my hubby is a total "piler." So I'm constantly battling that. IT's just this compressed space. It magnifies everything.
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Ok I can top it all. Dear FH is not a neat freak but orderly. I am getting better but was just move it to the side and I would get it on friday when I clean.


Today I wanted to surprise him and really clean. I dont know how. It took me 2 hours to clean a small ass bathroom and I am still working on the bedroom. I was getting sidetracked everytime I walked out of the room like now, I am supposed to be refolding the clothes on the shelf. I just had to come and see what you were shouting about. I could feel you calling me hehe.

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