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UGH!!! So tired of doctors! *updated pg. 3*


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ACK! I have the freaking FLU now. My chest hurts so bad I think I may have bronchitis too. It started out of the blue with my voice getting hoarse yesterday at the Urologist's office. By the evening I could feel heaviness in my lungs, and I started to get a hacking cough. This morning I woke up with an excruciating sore throat - it's weird though, it's not actually in my throat, more like my esophagus. Every time I cough it burns horribly. The chills, aches and high fever set in about an hour ago. Brrrrrrr!!!!!



I am really trying to stay positive but it's becoming very hard. What is going on with my body?!? I'm really starting to think I have something majorly wrong with my immune system. I know my therapist has this disorder called Immune Difficiency Syndrome and she gets sick really easily. I am so sad - I'm only 24. I'm supposed to be moving forward - graduating college, getting a job, getting married... cry.gif I'm so tired of having to tell ppl that I'm sick and them saying "why do you get sick all the time?". It makes me feel ashamed even though I know deep down I know it's not my fault. I have been such a trooper through all of this but I am really sad and scared right now. cry.gif

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oh Jaime, stay positive...though I know it's hard especially when your sick. The immune deficiency syndrome your friend has is a very, very serious syndrome usually associated with AIDs and cancer patients. Sometimes people can get it if they take high dose sterioids or if they have their spleen taken out. Medicine is a practice, not a law...so it's always changing and treatment sometimes varies from doctor to doctor. That being said...a GOOD doctor is invaluable! One that is not only clinically competant but who will take the time to listen to you and be compassionate. They're hard to come by now-a-days. As for your bronchitis, ask for a Z-pack (azithromycin antibiotic) and tylenol w/ codeine to help you sleep. I hope you feel better hug2.gif

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Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
oh Jaime, stay positive...though I know it's hard especially when your sick. The immune deficiency syndrome your friend has is a very, very serious syndrome usually associated with AIDs and cancer patients. Sometimes people can get it if they take high dose sterioids or if they have their spleen taken out. Medicine is a practice, not a law...so it's always changing and treatment sometimes varies from doctor to doctor. That being said...a GOOD doctor is invaluable! One that is not only clinically competant but who will take the time to listen to you and be compassionate. They're hard to come by now-a-days. As for your bronchitis, ask for a Z-pack (azithromycin antibiotic) and tylenol w/ codeine to help you sleep. I hope you feel better hug2.gif
Thanks Leia, I appreciate all of your advice. Btw, are you in the medical field? You seem so knowledgeable about all this.

Oh and I think what I meant to say was autoimmune disorder, not immune difficiency syndrome.

Going to see the doc tomorrow is really just a formality because I have to get a note for class. They are very weird about giving out medications. It really depends on who is in that day. Since it's a school clinic they rotate the docs and Nurse Practioners out frequently and they all have a tendency to sort of look down on us "young people" cheesy.gif

My Grandma has mentioned another doctor who she said saved my Grandpa's life when he had his heart attack a few years ago. From what she's said, he's very open to both traditional and non-traditional treatment methods and really takes the time to listen to you. I think I will try him soon. He doesn't take new patients on but he said he would see me so that's nice.

I have a feeling all of this is either somehow connected to A) my wisdom teeth removal or B) abnormally high cortisol levels. Not necessarily Cushing's Disease but I think something is going on there.

There are so many different things that could be causing my immune system to not respond correctly that it is overwhelming, and I don't know what tests to ask for. I will start with my gut though and go from there. The sooner all this gets straightened out, the sooner I can move on with my life! muscle.gif
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Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
I think you should get a second opinion, find another doctor and see what they say. Are you ding this through your insurance? Just a suggestion. Hope you're feeling better, Jaime.
Don't have insurance...

Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
i'm a pediatric nurse...i love those "young people"cheesy.gif
lol wink.gif

Off to see the quack shack doc now...
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Well, I went to see the school doc today. Actually it was a Nurse Practitioner. She said there's a nasty strain of the flu going around campus. I took a flu test and tested neg. but she still thinks it the flu. I've been having the worst hacking cough with an almost unbearable sore throat. I requested a Guifinessin/Hydrocodone cough syrup that has worked well for me in the past but she said they no longer make anything like that w/hydrocodone in it. So she had the doctor write me a Rx for Phernergan w/Codeine (apparently she doesn't have the authority to write prescriptions like this). I've tried this before and it did nothing for my pain, but since that's all they could do I went ahead and filled the script. It did help me to go to sleep but I woke up 2 hours later with excruciating pain around my lower esophagus/upper chest (it feels like I've burned a whole inside my throat). I've never had a sore throat this bad. I waited the 6 hours for those meds to wear off and then took what I was prescribed for the Kidney stones (Naproxen + Hydrocodone). The pain is finally somewhat manageable. It got so bad earlier tonight that if I had insurance I would have gone to the ER. Tomorrow I'm going to break down and pay to go see a real doctor. FI sees a doctor right down the street that he likes so I'm going to go to him and see what he can do in regards to the pain management. I am pretty sure that I have bronchitis/laryngitis on top of the flu so I want to get a second opinion on that as well. It feels like I've just killed my throat with this cough.


As for the kidney stones, I have no idea if they're still there. The pain of this sore throat is beyond anything I experienced with the kidney stones so it's hard to keep my mind on anything else. I do think there's a very good chance that they've passed though. smile67.gif

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Damn it Jaime I keep hoping you'll say you feel great but life is sure kicking your butt right now :o( I'm soooo sorry you have the sore throat to deal with. Too bad I'm married and out of state because I would totally make you my domestic partner to get you some good insurance!!


My mom would say to gargle hot water mixed with salt and vinegar to kill what's in your throat, and take teaspoons of honey and lemon for the cough.


If they sell Odwalla juice out there I recommend C Monster...one an hour if you can. It's brought me to health faster than anything over the years when I've caught bugs.


A vicious flu is going around my job...I mean bad, like several people have taken their kids to the E.R. this week alone, and then they are getting it from the kids and passing it around at work. I feel it coming on so I'm on Odwalla too...lol

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