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UGH!!! So tired of doctors! *updated pg. 3*


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That sucks that you are going through all of this! If you could find a dr that does a UA (urinalysis) right in the office, that would have saved you some money and the reaction to levaquin. I give that a lot at work and i do not usually have a problem. That is a strange reaction! I would make sure from now on when you get a RX you tell every dr that. Make sure with the H20 you are drinking, that you are not drinking too much, you could maybe alternate with some gatorade or something to keep your electrolytes in check. Hope you feel better soon and whatever it is goes away. I will say a little prayer for you!

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
Blah. That sucks. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope the pain doesn't get too bad and this all goes away soon. I'll send you vibes for a healthy 2008. No more doctors proding and poking you!!!
Thanks Jessica :)

Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Jaime!! This sucks. I really hope that you get some answers & solutions soon.

I know we've talked about this before because you & I have had similar issues w/the anxiety & the adrenal gland blowout...I definitely advocate finding a homeopathic doctor. I've had wonderful success with mine. It is not cheap, but I must say, for me it is worth it.

Thinking warm gentle urinary thoughts for you :)
lol @ the warm gentle urinary thoughts wink.gif

Trust me, I will definitely be searching for a homeopathic doc that truly understands what I am going through (with the adrenal fatigue). Next Summer on my 25th birthday I will get my inheritance from when my Mom passed away when I was 17. Money issues should ease up quite a bit then - thank God! It will really be a blessing.

Originally Posted by MoWife View Post
Firts of all, I am so sorry you are going through this. i hope it passes and you finally feel well.
Second, thank you for letting us know about Levaquin. I am prone to UTI's and kidney infections and I have taken Levaquin about a dozen times. that is what my doc prescribes every time. Once my kidney infection was so bad she gave me Cipro but every other time it has been Levaquin. I haven't had any of the adverse side effects you experienced and it has cleared up the infections (rather slowly I must say), but now I am going to read up on it and possibly ask for something else next time.
Third, I also feel your pain about not having insurance. I didn't have insurance for a few years right out of college and of course that's when I experienced all kinds of problems. I had to have surgery and it took me three years to pay off. And here's the kicker I got approved for Charity Care to pay for the actual surgery, but all of the biopsies and lab work and anesthesia were not covered and it still cost way too much! I just hope you start to feel well soon and that you also get insuarnce soon because that is a very stressful situation. I don't know how I could help you out but I am always here if you want to vent!
I can't tell you how nice it is to have someone really understand what I'm going through! I feel like such a complainer with all that's going on and it has been completely stressing me out trying to keep it all in. I'm sorry you had to go through similar things. smile03.gif

This is the link to the Levaquin board I was talking about:
levaquin side effects - Opinions Forum Page 6

It really scared me to see the crazy side effects of this drug, but obviously there are people (such as yourself) who it's worked for. But just the idea that so many out there are experiencing these side effects scare me.

Originally Posted by albrosious View Post
That sucks that you are going through all of this! If you could find a dr that does a UA (urinalysis) right in the office, that would have saved you some money and the reaction to levaquin. I give that a lot at work and i do not usually have a problem. That is a strange reaction! I would make sure from now on when you get a RX you tell every dr that. Make sure with the H20 you are drinking, that you are not drinking too much, you could maybe alternate with some gatorade or something to keep your electrolytes in check. Hope you feel better soon and whatever it is goes away. I will say a little prayer for you!
They did do a UA in the office but found NOTHING so they decided to send it off to the lab for a more thorough test. However he still decided to treat me with this strong antibiotic which upsets me, especially since I told him I had just been on a ZPac the week before and am prone to yeast infections w/multiple dosages. I'm glad you haven't experienced many people with these reactions. Have you heard about the possible tendon problems associated with Levaquin?

I'm guessing you're a doctor or a nurse..? How much is too much water to drink? I normally drink about 2-3 liter bottles of water a day. Now I may be up to 4... maybe 5. Plus cranberry juice. I do eat salty foods though. I'll add some gatorade in just in case...

That last line reminded me of the Aretha Franklin song "I say a little prayer for you. Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heart and I will love you forever..." haha wink.gif

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone! I'm getting pretty nervous about all this but it really helps to get it all out.
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I don't think there is a rule about how much water is too much, it depends on the person. The thing that i do know is that during the summer they are always telling people to drink gatorade to replenish their electrolytes. maybe you can look it up on webmd.

Also, if you end up having to go through extra tests, a lot of hospitals will let you do a payment plan (been there, done that)! They just want their money so they will do anything to get it, when i was broke, they let me pay 20 a month on an er visit!

I am a nurse, i will have to look into tendon issues for you, i will look for a drug book at work next time.

oh, and you do not want to hear me sing but i do like that song!

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okay, so i went back and read your other posts about how long you have been sick ( i really am not crazy and psycho, there is nothing on TV). I am new to the forum and did not know all of the earlier stuff. If i were you I would go to a good doc and get a very thorough exam. You have been sick for way too long. make sure that it is your adrenal glands. make sure that there is nothing else lurking there from your mouth issues. anyway, that is it. i think i am done talking about it tonight :)

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ay jaime. i can totally understand what you're feeling - i was hospitalized in late may with a really severe kidney infection over the holiday weekend and my doc was out of town and told me to go to the ER. well, the ER doctor was so rude to me on top of everything and had the nerve to give me a dirty look and ask me if i was a newlywed! i didnt get it, so he explained that he tends to see lots of newlyweds come in with kidney infections because of the increased amount of sex and oral sex they are having, which made me totally mortified.


oh and then, my insurance tried to deny the claim from the ER saying that my kidney infection was a preexisiting condition! ha! RIGHT! a bacterial kidney infection was preexisting. cheap insurance companies.


just remember if you take the AZO that turns your pee red, that its only a temporary pain relief. its not supposed to be taken for more than a few days, so i hope you arent still taking it. youre doing a good job by continuing to drink unsweetened cranberry juice - i bet you are so sick of it by now. i didnt touch cranberry juice until like a week ago after i was sick! sending you hugs and well wishes to get better soon! hopefully you can pass the kidney stone on your own, but definitely ask for pain meds if you need them.

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First let me say that I have never seen this post before and didn't read any of the replies.


Second, let me say that I am a Respiratory Therapist and not a DR, RN or any of the such.


Finally, let me say that if you are not confidant about the care that a doctor is giving you---- find a new one. There are a lot of doctors out there and there are a lot of patients. As a patient you should be able to discuss and then question anything and feel comfortable while there. I am sure that there is one that you can be comfortable with. Also, if you have problems with UTIs and kidney infections you should consider seeing a Urologist or Nephrologist once a year to prevent problems. I hope that you get the right meds to give you relief.

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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
ay jaime. i can totally understand what you're feeling - i was hospitalized in late may with a really severe kidney infection over the holiday weekend and my doc was out of town and told me to go to the ER. well, the ER doctor was so rude to me on top of everything and had the nerve to give me a dirty look and ask me if i was a newlywed! i didnt get it, so he explained that he tends to see lots of newlyweds come in with kidney infections because of the increased amount of sex and oral sex they are having, which made me totally mortified.

oh and then, my insurance tried to deny the claim from the ER saying that my kidney infection was a preexisiting condition! ha! RIGHT! a bacterial kidney infection was preexisting. cheap insurance companies.

just remember if you take the AZO that turns your pee red, that its only a temporary pain relief. its not supposed to be taken for more than a few days, so i hope you arent still taking it. youre doing a good job by continuing to drink unsweetened cranberry juice - i bet you are so sick of it by now. i didnt touch cranberry juice until like a week ago after i was sick! sending you hugs and well wishes to get better soon! hopefully you can pass the kidney stone on your own, but definitely ask for pain meds if you need them.
That is horrible what the doc said to you! I've had doctors talk down to me in a completely unprofessional manner, tell me I was basically crazy. Insurance does sound like a b*tch to deal with but right now I'd take that!

Also, I only took the "AZO" type stuff (it was just a prescription strength type) once. It didn't work at all so I stopped taking it.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
Awww Jaime, I'm sorry all of this is happening. I don't have any words of wisdom, but wanted to say I hope this gets figured out sooner rather than later.
Thanks Lizz :)

Originally Posted by albrosious View Post
okay, so i went back and read your other posts about how long you have been sick ( i really am not crazy and psycho, there is nothing on TV). I am new to the forum and did not know all of the earlier stuff. If i were you I would go to a good doc and get a very thorough exam. You have been sick for way too long. make sure that it is your adrenal glands. make sure that there is nothing else lurking there from your mouth issues. anyway, that is it. i think i am done talking about it tonight :)
I think you are on the right track - ALL of this began with having my wisdom teeth out. I had bad complications... first a dry socket and then they accidentally left a medicated gauze in the socket (the skin closed up around it) for a month! I got really sick and then one day I woke up and saw this cauliflower like substance coming out from my gums so I went back to the oral surgeon. It was honestly a total fluke accident. Right after that I got Mono and since then I've been having one thing happen after another.

We found a homeopathic dentist that is supposed to be amazing - he is a 3 hour drive but I'm supposed to go see him so he can really look around in my mouth, the sockets where my wisdom teeth used to be to see if there's lingering infection, etc. Regular dentists swear everything looks "fine" but I have a strong feeling that something is NOT "fine" and there may be some sort of lingering infection.

With adrenal fatigue they have you fill out a very in depth test that also helps determine when all of it begun because severe events like surgery, etc. can bring on a severe "outbreak" (for lack of better word) of the condition. I have traced it exactly back to when I had my wisdom teeth removed. According to the tests I had "moderate" adrenal fatigue before then and "severe" after.

Originally Posted by Diana View Post
First let me say that I have never seen this post before and didn't read any of the replies.

Second, let me say that I am a Respiratory Therapist and not a DR, RN or any of the such.

Finally, let me say that if you are not confidant about the care that a doctor is giving you---- find a new one. There are a lot of doctors out there and there are a lot of patients. As a patient you should be able to discuss and then question anything and feel comfortable while there. I am sure that there is one that you can be comfortable with. Also, if you have problems with UTIs and kidney infections you should consider seeing a Urologist or Nephrologist once a year to prevent problems. I hope that you get the right meds to give you relief.
I haven't had a UTI/Kindey infection in about 1.5 - 2 years. I started taking bladder kidney vitamins, drinking more water and they virtually went away. I am also very careful with intercourse and all that jazz. That's why this really surprised me.

I have jumped around from doctor to doctor with these Care Now places and still have not found one I like. At the school doctor they change every semester so you can't ever get used to one. I should graduate next fall and can't wait to get a job with insurance. Unfortunately the company I work for right now is very small (only 3 full time employees), it is family based and we can't afford insurance.
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jamie that sucks!!! i am not a nurse or DR. so i can't offer you much medical advice but i hope that you feel better soon and get to a DR. that you feel comfy with and can trust. also - if you are drinking cranberry juice make sure that you are drinking real cranberry juice without ANY added sugar not ocean spray or any of those. it is a little more expensive and harder to find (you can get at whole foods or trader joes) but my uncle had lifelong kidney problems and all the specialists said that you only get the benefits from cranberry if it is real cran juice with no sugar or added juices or anything!

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