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Opinion's Desperatly Needed!

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Jackie, I also voted for #2, for similar reasons as already stated. I would want my parents there and my best friend- besides that, who cares. Also, you can always take a honeymoon later and that means two trips! Woohoo!

That totally is unfair about the vacation. I don't understand how the new owner thinks that is acceptable- is it going to change any time soon? Is this just something temporary? It's awful!

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Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
I think either would be great...but they are totally different from each other -- are you sure you don't have a preference deep down?? :)

Do you love your friends and can't live without them or would this be done mostly to please them? Would you feel like your wedding was complete if it was just the two of you?

Do you guys have to decide yet?

And yeah, that new owner sounds like he needs some business sense knocked into him!

This is truly my problem... I just dont know. One day I think I have made a final decision and think about all the good aspects about that decision and the next day I completely change my mind and decide that the other option is the way to go.

LOL. No I guess I dont NEED to decide yet per say, but I'm a planning control freak and we are going to be customizing the ring after the holidays and then engaged by the end of the winter and god dammit with all this planning and research I should at least have what type of wedding and the location down by the time we get engaged.

And YUP, the new owner is just some very wealthy man who wanted to tell his friends he owned a Harley Davidson shop. He knows nothing about bikes or business.
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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
Jackie, I also voted for #2, for similar reasons as already stated. I would want my parents there and my best friend- besides that, who cares. Also, you can always take a honeymoon later and that means two trips! Woohoo!
That totally is unfair about the vacation. I don't understand how the new owner thinks that is acceptable- is it going to change any time soon? Is this just something temporary? It's awful!

Supposedly all the employees are getting yearly reviews in January when things are "going to change". We shall see.
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Originally Posted by A10CALGAL View Post
I voted for #2 option - I think you would really miss having all of your close fam/friends there.

Also, are you freaking kidding me about that vacation situation? Hello?! That new owner is rediculously stupid thinking that a 16 year veteran is going to be happy with losing an entire month of paid vacation. WOW!
Christa, I love your new signature!!!

Thanks girls!!!!!

I think you all are right. Besides I suppose having a honeymoon to plan after the wedding will be fun. I really couldnt imaging the wedding without Ryans parents there. His whole family is wonderfull and our close friends have known us both for years now and I couldnt really picture the wedding without them either. I think I was being a little selfish wanting the really fancy room at the other resort and figuring I could go without any wedding guests to get it. Wow reading that really makes me look bad. I'm not selfish I swear. I was just having a moment.
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Originally Posted by A10CALGAL View Post
Awww, thanks! That is our "logo" for the wedding. I've just started to design & print our invites & thought I should use it HERE too!
I agree Christa- it's really cool! Did you make it yourself? I know you've talked about where you got it before, i just can't remember. Very classy looking!hijacked.gif Sorry Jackie!
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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
I agree Christa- it's really cool! Did you make it yourself? I know you've talked about where you got it before, i just can't remember. Very classy looking!hijacked.gif Sorry Jackie!
Yes, I actually designed it myself! Imagine that wink.gif Anyway, not to totally get off point here, but I did it in powerpoint & then converted it to a jpeg file. Pretty handy stuff. If anyone wants help doing this, send me a PM!
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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
I agree Christa- it's really cool! Did you make it yourself? I know you've talked about where you got it before, i just can't remember. Very classy looking!hijacked.gif Sorry Jackie!

No worries, I have been known to hijack a thread or two myself. Sometimes its unavoidable. wink.gif
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Originally Posted by A10CALGAL View Post
Yes, I actually designed it myself! Imagine that wink.gif Anyway, not to totally get off point here, but I did it in powerpoint & then converted it to a jpeg file. Pretty handy stuff. If anyone wants help doing this, send me a PM!
See, there you go getting all Martha on us again! Was it really hard to do? I'm not the most computer savvy one in the group, that's for sure!
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