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Have to sign a new contract with EDR?!?!

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"I apologize for the inconveniences, it has never been my intention to put

you in this uncomfortable situation. I think with this said you can accept the new contract."

Great job handling this situation. We have to cover ourselves from these resorts who seem to want to nickel and dime us at every turn!


From her statement above, it seems like she still would like you to sign and accept the new contract though...Think you will?

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Since the new contract does not get into specifics - it should be okay to sign the new contract, as the WC has it in an email that they will honor their previous agmt.


However, if you are uncomfortable with that - just ask them to make a revision to the contract incorporating the previous agmt.

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Thanks for all your support ladies. I wrote back that I would only accept it if they guarantee to not charge me and that I wanted the name of the manager that approved it. Valeria also sent me my updated files and it does include specific notes about it.


So even though it was a pain and unprofessional on their end, I'm glad to have it over with. Now I'm just freaking out about how much we have to do in the next 28 days before we leave! I was making mental lists laying in bed at 5 this morning....

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Originally Posted by bre View Post
Thanks for all your support ladies. I wrote back that I would only accept it if they guarantee to not charge me and that I wanted the name of the manager that approved it. Valeria also sent me my updated files and it does include specific notes about it.

So even though it was a pain and unprofessional on their end, I'm glad to have it over with. Now I'm just freaking out about how much we have to do in the next 28 days before we leave! I was making mental lists laying in bed at 5 this morning....
awww - you will get it done no prob Bre! Hang in there!!

quick question though - what do you mean by 'updated files'? what is that?
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Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be View Post
awww - you will get it done no prob Bre! Hang in there!!

quick question though - what do you mean by 'updated files'? what is that?
Thanks! She sent me the updated version of the excel file for my wedding. It's an excel workbook with multiple sheets that has all of the details that we decided on, plus our guest list and wedding day time line. She also tallies up every item that you owe the hotel for. It's very helpful!

She has sent it to me a few times before to review. I believe this is what she hands over to the on-site coordinators so it's a detailed review of the day. Reading it last night made me think of how many things I have to do but also makes me feel good that we have so many decisions made.
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I'm sorry this happened. As you know, we have had problems with EDR and the fact that they seem to think its ok to practice shady business ethics.


Personally, I can't imagine what my clients (you included because you are my client) would say if I sent them an email stating "Hi Bree, we decided to change our contract because wedding photography is tougher than we thought, so there will be added fees to continue to use our services) bla bla bla.


I have spoken to everybody under the sun at Lomas, Headquarters at Karisma, and all the wedding coordinators at Karisma's headquarters. The Owner of Karisma himself may or may not know about the hotel sending out email's to ask all their clients to sign another contract, but I'm guessing he initated this because my impression of them is all they care about is $$$$. Green talks in their eyes.


I don't blame them, in big corporate world, money talks and b-sh!t walks but in the hospitality world, I assumed the process of thinking would be completely different... oh well, never make assumptions!


I'm embarrassed for them,




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