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Have to sign a new contract with EDR?!?!

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I'm wondering if any other EDR brides have been sent a new contract by Lomas Travelhuh.gif


I was just sent one 36 days before my wedding. I've pushed back asking why do I now have to sign another contract when I already signed one 5 months ago. Still have not heard back and it's been almost 24 hours (a long time for a response from Valeria.)


I'm really hoping they are making all brides sign a new one and not singling me out b/c I am bringing in an outside vendor (photog as a guest per previous contract stipulations). The contract itself doesn't seem too much worse but it does have a new outside vendor stipulation in bold. It states that any outside vendors not booked through the resort will be subject to a surcharge. Of course, they don't list the surcharge even though they list every other possible charge in the contract. smile41.gif


I wish I could be the groom. They have it so easy!!!

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I booked with lomas through destinationweddings.com for my ceremony in Oct. My travel agent sent me the contract to sign, but then a couple days later she said she learned they changed their contract and I had to sign another one. I didn't think too much of it at the time because I hadn't made any decisions yet. That scares me, and I don't think they should make you sign another contract. That's just bad business.

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What a stressful weekend... In the end, they are allowing our photographers b/c we purchased one room and one day pass. I think everyone should push back on their unspecified charge. If they get resistance from everyone, maybe they will finally see the light and change the policy. Matt Adcock has written some posts about that here on the forum.


So here is how the whole thing transpired. (sorry super long, but hopefully other EDR brides might find it helpful!)


I wrote this to Valeria on Friday night:

"Why do I have to sign an new contract? I already signed one and sent it in on July 28th 2007. Please outline all change in the document as compared to the first contract and an explanation as to why."


Her reply on Sunday morning:


"> Hi Bre,


> This is what has been established in the contract, this policies were

> always valid, but not formally at the contract:


> -Cocktail appetizers are not replenished.

> -The Hotel reserves the right to deny the service of alcoholic

> beverages to anyone that may appear to be under the influence of alcohol.

> -To ensure that bad weather does not affect the scheduled function,

> the Hotel will make a weather call four (4) hours prior to the event.

> At that time the Hotel will decide if the function will be held in the

> predetermined location or moved to an appropriate venue that will

guarantee shelter.

> The decision to relocate the event will made based on the probability

> of rain as forecasted by the Weather Channel web page. If a 40%

> probability of rain is forecast the event will be moved to the

> predetermined contingency location.

> -will be offered to the Bride and one (1) companion on the Bridal

> shuttle prior to the wedding ceremony. All other guests may take

> advantage of the programmed shuttle that runs throughout the property.

> The aforementioned service applies only where shuttle service is

> provided -Please be advised that outside vendors are not allowed.

> Musicians, Photographers, flower arrangements not booked by the

> Hotelâ€s wedding department are subject to a surcharge.

> -The Hotel reserves the right to inspect and control all private

> parties, meetings, receptions, etc. being held on the Hotel premises

> and to limit the noise level in consideration of other guests.

> -Due to strict health codes, left over food following the function may

> not be removed from the event area, including Wedding Cake.

> Food décor items that do not meet the Hotelâ€s hygiene standards will

> not be used on food items, i.e. fresh flowers, seashells, etc.



> Ok, let me know some final decisions, at your earliest convenience.


> Happy Holidays!


> Sincerely Yours,


> Valeria Martinez.

> Wedding Sales Executive"


To which I replied on Sunday morning:


"Dear Valeria,


Thank you for your response. I signed a contract on July 28th, 2007 and you

signed it on September 19, 2007 and those are the terms that both parties

agreed to for the January 19, 2008 wedding. I am not willing to sign another

contract for our wedding which is to occur in only 34 days.


The main reason for a contract is that both parties commit to adhere to the

terms agreed upon for the duration of the agreement. If one party could at

any given time can change the contract to suit their needs, contracts would

have no validity or purpose nor would they offer any protections to either



While the majority of these changes are benign I refuse agree to any change

in your modified outside vendor clause. Per the agreement that both parties

signed: "musicians, photographers, etc. not booked by the hotel's wedding

department is the sole responsibility of the person hiring the service." The

new clause stipulates this will be subject to a surcharge of an unspecified

amount. Given that every other charge is spelled out in the new contract,

this too should have a specified dollar amount. And is categorically a

formal change in policy reflected in the contract.


Regardless, based on what is allowed in our contract, we booked an outside

photographer. This is because the only option offered by the resort did not

meet our standards of quality and was not available to document our

reception. In the US it is standard that a photographer be hired for the

entire event from before the ceremony to the end of the reception. In

booking the photographer, we were NOT in violation of our contract with the

resort and refuse to now be forced pay any surcharge. We have booked a room

at the resort for our photographer at the cost of $300 and will purchase a

day pass for his assistant at an additional cost.


On a side note, I would strongly urge you to consider changing your

surcharge policy for outside photographers. There are numerous all-inclusive

resorts in the Riviera Maya with no such charge or only charge for a day

pass. Demanding a surcharge will only lessen the quality of the service that

brides receive, especially when the only offering is sub-par to many brides

standards. I can only imagine that any amount the hotel would profit from a

surcharge would not be worth the number of lost weddings that will be booked

at your resort when potential brides learn of unjustified charges and an

attitude that is not about creating the best event possible.


ALL of that being said, I truly appreciate your hard work on our wedding.

You have been a pleasure to correspond with and I look forward to working

with you in the coming weeks to make this an incredible event. I'll be

sending you final counts later today.





Later on Sunday she replies...


"Hi Bre,


I have spoken to my Manager, we will accept the stay of the photographer for

1day, and for you to pay the 72.00usd day pass for 1 assistant.


Please note that 1 assistant and the photographer are the only ones at the

property, and more photo staff, it will be not allowed. I need to know the

names and last names of the photographer & assistant.


If you wish to add them to the Wedding dinner (meaning for them to have

dinner with you at Tucanes) it will be the same price per person, please let

me know.


I apologize for the inconveniences, it has never been my intention to put

you in this uncomfortable situation.


I think with this said you can accept the new contract.


Thanks for your time and patience.


If any doubt arises, please, do not hesitate to contact me, I will be more

than happy to assist you.


Sincerely Yours,


Valeria Martinez.

Wedding Sales Executive"

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