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Dog Communicator


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For all you dog and animal lovers don't think i am totally looney!

i wanted to share Dawn Allen with you - a friend of ours told us about her about 3 or 4 years ago and we were like, "yeah, whatever, that is so not true, blah, blah, blah."


then out of curiousity we scheduled an appointment a couple months after we rescued Mabel, our rottweiler. well, FI and I were blown away - Dawn communicated with Mabel and told us true things that were IMPOSSIBLE for her to know, a lot of them and then things that helped us understand her better. we really couldn't believe it. we have recommended Dawn to a bunch of animal owners and almost all have had great expereiences.


i had a follow up call with her this morning to check in with Mabel about the possibility of us bringing another Rottweiler into the house and when i got off i thought of all of you guys and how many have pets and are animal lovers.


so here is Dawn's info if anyone is interested...


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This is very interesting. I saw one long time ago on TV and the things she told the owners completely shocked them.


Does she do all readings over the phone or did you actually see her in person? It's crazy to think if I were to call from Oregon, she would be able to communicate with my dog while she's on the East coast. Weird...in a cool way.

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ok, my story....


my siamese kitty started freaking out when i was about due and hid in the closet and would not come out...once the baby arrived it was worse. he hid in the closet and would not come out to use the litter box or even eat. he is usually meticulously groomed but looked like a crazy homeless cat and smelled like urine and there were hard poops on the stairs (they were dry like tanbark)...i felt so bad for him and took him to the vet where they prescribed me kitty prozac...but it didnt help.


he stayed in the closet for 6 weeks.


then i remembered alyssa's post so i was at my wits end so i contacted dawn....i did not tell her what was going on just that my cat had some health issues that i was concerned about.


she "spoke" to max and he told her he was afraid of the baby. she told him that there was nothing to be afraid of. she asked why he didnt want to use the litterbox and he told her that it hurt when he used it (he was so dehydrated) but she told him that it wasnt the litter box that was hurting him, it was because he was not drinking enough water.


she asked him what he needed me to do to get better and he said 1. put a bowl of water upstairs and 2. give him the cheap cat food that i used to feed him...i told him i would but he needed to try to get better also...


within an hour he came downstairs and now even comes up to the baby...even my parents have noticed a difference because he is even friendlier than before the baby came.

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Tammy! that is so great about your kitty! i thought i had posted before about Dawn but searched and couldn't find it so i figured i would repost.

Mabel told Dawn today that she is still sick of living in the city (she said this a couple years ago) and that she really wants us to move into a bigger house with a yard! i called FI and he was like you both are conspiring HAHA



Originally Posted by host View Post
ok, my story....


my siamese kitty started freaking out when i was about due and hid in the closet and would not come out...once the baby arrived it was worse. he hid in the closet and would not come out to use the litter box or even eat. he is usually meticulously groomed but looked like a crazy homeless cat and smelled like urine and there were hard poops on the stairs (they were dry like tanbark)...i felt so bad for him and took him to the vet where they prescribed me kitty prozac...but it didnt help.


he stayed in the closet for 6 weeks.


then i remembered alyssa's post so i was at my wits end so i contacted dawn....i did not tell her what was going on just that my cat had some health issues that i was concerned about.


she "spoke" to max and he told her he was afraid of the baby. she told him that there was nothing to be afraid of. she asked why he didnt want to use the litterbox and he told her that it hurt when he used it (he was so dehydrated) but she told him that it wasnt the litter box that was hurting him, it was because he was not drinking enough water.


she asked him what he needed me to do to get better and he said 1. put a bowl of water upstairs and 2. give him the cheap cat food that i used to feed him...i told him i would but he needed to try to get better also...


within an hour he came downstairs and now even comes up to the baby...even my parents have noticed a difference because he is even friendlier than before the baby came.

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Okay coincidence....my medium who works with animals (and people too) has a similar name - Dawna - and our dog was named Mabel when we got her...(we've since changed her name to Honey). Funny!


She also gave us insight on our rescue dog's state of mind. When Honey was dog-napped Dawna let us know she was having fun but anxious to get home. The location she described her at was exactly where we found her. Yay!!


Anyways, great stories everyone! Some people have the gift and if you find someone you trust, hold on to them.

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