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I need a thank you gift...any ideas?


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You gals have such great ideas...so I thought I would pick your brains.


My Grandmother's cousin and her husband (they are like 80 yrs old or so) are educated and very much into education. So way back when I first began college or maybe a year after or so (so like 8 yrs ago) they decided that since I was putting myself through college that they would send me $100 a month until I was done to help out!!! This was such a nice gesture considering I am not personally that close with them and I'm sure they didn't think that I would be in school for 9 years!!!!! smile43.gif I did however offer a few times for them to stop sending and they insisted!


So now, 9 years later and about $9,000 (OMG I have never added it up!)...I am finally graduating!!!! cheer2.gif


I owe them so much and I want to send them a gift...although they gave me so much..I still don't have a ton of money...but for the thought mostly. Like I said, they are older and well off and I just don't know what to get themhuh.gif


So I was hoping maybe you gals had some ideashuh.gif :)


Oh, and btw...Her and her daughter out of the blue decided to come all the way to Mexico to attend my wedding and they already booked and paid in full for their trip....I can't believe it!!!



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Hmmm, I think whatever you do should be personal and special (which doesnt always mean expensive!). Since they are coming to Mexico, what about finding a way to honor them at the wedding? Maybe public thank them for their support and the rehearsal dinner and present them with a photo frame (and then take a picture of the 3 of you at the wedding to put in it)?

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I like the idea of doing something while in Mexico...the only problem with that is because her husband is so ill (and so is she really) he can't make the trip so she is having her daughter come with her to Mexico. So he wouldn't be able to benefit from it...hmmm...I could do two things though...one in Mexico and another gift here...

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Wow that is a toughie! Talk about random acts of kindness!

Writing them a very personal note or card telling them how much their generosity was appreciated and how much it meant to you might really be the best way to thank them. I'm sure they expect nothing in return but to know that you graduated and made them proud.

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Originally Posted by Wisco4 View Post
Wow that is a toughie! Talk about random acts of kindness!
Writing them a very personal note or card telling them how much their generosity was appreciated and how much it meant to you might really be the best way to thank them. I'm sure they expect nothing in return but to know that you graduated and made them proud.
I second this suggestion! Whatever you do, I think it should be accompanied by a personal note saying thank you :)
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You are right...I know they don't expect anything in return....I thought some sort of surprise would be nice...I was going to send them a picture that someone will take at graduation...and frame it for them...just wanted a little something else too.... ya know!


I am going to have to think more on the things in mexico...I really like that Idea....even if he can't benefit from that...it's a nice gesture for her! Which he will appreciate.

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Originally Posted by starfish kate View Post
What about a donation to a scolarship fund in their name on an annual basis, and a photo of you at your graduation? They sound like people who would appreciate someone giving back in a similar way that they helped you.
I was thinking that same thing. You'd be honoring them by contributing to someone else's education.
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