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Dreams Brides~Post HERE!

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Originally Posted by REBECCA View Post
Hey Jennetta,
I left the hanging of the lanterns to Mariana. That is what she is there for. I told her I have x number of tables and I want the lanterns to be hung in a square shape over the dance floor, So, knowing that, she worked out the layout of the reception. I used 30 lanterns. Maye had 10 and I brought 20 with me. I bought them at www.thepaperlanterstore.com . On the website, it will tell you that you need to purchase the wiring separately. Don't worry about this. Dreams provides the wiring and charged me $180 for use and hanging of the wiring.

Here is an arial pic from my balcony. Not the best lighting, but you'll get the picture.

I emailed Mariana about the lanterns, and since we are getting married at the cascada terrace she told me it was a bigger space and we would have to have at least 50 lanterns! Mariana told me she will have to see if the lanterns will work there. So as soon as I hear back from her I will let you all know.
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Originally Posted by EDYTA View Post
I know I havent really done any work for the wedding....I emailed Yesica cause supposidly she is looking over my wedding now ( I guess Mariana only does the big ones) and she sent me some prices but not really what I was asking for and said that I have a lot of time and not to worry....so I guess I will take her advice and wait till around maybe Feb...

but I'm kinda worried about music still don't know who I want to use and am scared that if I wait so long that all the good people will be taken

As for the ceremony part it's stressing me out, this whole Church thing is gonna drive me crazy withy all the paper work and stuff...Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Start bugging Jeff and ask him what he would like to do about the ceremony part...

also let me know what Mariana replies, i wonder if she will be using the cheaper florist now that Tammy (host) gave her

I'm just in my last semester at school will be done on Dec 9 if I pass my hardest class; corporate finance (keep ur fingers crossed for me) I'm scared cause I just can't seem too pass this class and it's holding me back from graduating...AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! so after that is done I will be on here lots more planning
OK enough said whenever we see you logged on we have to boot you off so you can study. :)

I definately think that you can take some time off from planning too. Relax and think about how you are going to celebrate your graduation.
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Oh ya forgot about the introduction.


I'm getting married at Dreams on June 22, 2007! So far everything that I know follows...


1- We are doing a spiritual ceremony in the Gazebo- I love the picture frame sand pouring so I'm for doing that for sure! We choose Rev. Scott Parsons for our ceremony. For the ceremony we are having my FI's sister in law sing with her band. She has the most amazing voice and I'm so excited for her to sing!


2- I changed my mind from the Oceana terrace (thanks to someone who gave me the idea- sorry I forgot who that was) to the beach for our rehearsal/welcome dinner. I like the idea of being on the sand since a lot of people might not go on it since there is no swimming. We are doing a Mexican theme dinner with a casino night set up as well. We are expecting on having 75-100 guests so I just wanted to make sure there was enough room for everyone and I heard that the Oceana terrace was small.


3- We are having cocktail hour at El patio right after the ceremony. I love the idea about having a mariachi band there for that but I'm not sure yet on that.


4- We are having our reception at the Cascada Terrace. We are probably going to hire a DJ to play our IPOD but I haven't heard back from them yet! Also I think my FI's sister in law is going to sing a couple more songs during our reception as well.


5- We hired Juan for our pictures for 6 hours 4:30-10:30. I'm so excited and I can't wait!! I would love to have him come either the day before and take pictures or the day after but I haven't ran that pass the FI and I'm sure I know what he will say. (No) He hates getting his picture taken~annoying!!


6- We have Jennifer Hatton making our cake and she is so nice and I'm super excited! I don't know if any of you know this or not but she did Brad Pitt's 40th B-day cake when he was down there filming something. And she has worked for many different stars... so I thought that was pretty cool. She actually worked around my budget~best part!


7-Still working on my florist but sounds like I will just wait till it gets closer to my day to figure that out. I'm either going with white calla lilies or something like Tammyâ€s bouquet (host) Not sure yet!


8-For sure I'm doing the photo centerpieces that light up with candles with everyone's picture in it when they sit at there table. The idea is in the Luminaries thread. I started working on them when I get one done I will post pictures. I wasn't going to do assign seating but now I am and for the place cards I'm doing the votive candles I saw from one of the knot weddings with there names on it and table name with vellum and ribbon at the bottom. I really want candles everywhere! I love them! Also, we are going to do the luminaries hanging if Mariana can figure out how to do it over the dance floor at the Cascada terrace.


9- I'm getting the fans that Janet used for the ceremony (I think Janet or maybe it was Karlahuh.gif?) and I really want parasols for just the BM's but we will see. I love the picture's I've seen with them.


10- Definitely doing OOT bags not sure yet what kind of bag I'm going to go with. I really would like to personalize all the bags with there names or something like that. I will let you know when I cross that bridge.


11-I'm just going to the Dreams Spa for my hair not sure yet on makeup will probably just do it myself. I was thinking of going somewhere else but I just don't think that is worth it anymore.


Ok sorry I just rambled on forever but that is what I have so far! Thanks for everyone's great ideas to help me plan!!!

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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
Nope Natalie- that's not rambling, that's organized sharing!
It's awesome to see it all written out that way- I need to do that too, although I think you have solidified WAY more details than I have at this point!
Thanks! I love to plan parties! My FI gets sick of me talking to him about everything so I decided I'm just going to do it all and he can't complain because he doesn't want to hear about it. (ha ha)
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Ok so far here is a list of dates for upcoming Dreams Brides. thought this may be good to have- let me know if i got something wrong or who i am missing:


MAY: Edyta - May 3

Sarah - May 7

JUNE: Jenetta - June 16

Natalie - June 22

Sarah M - June 28

Nicole - June 29


LALA- when is your date?


MARRIED DREAMS BRIDES: Tammy - May, 27, 2006

Rebecca - November, 12, 2006

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Wow Natialie! It sounds like your guest are going to get styled out! You didn't miss a beat! And 6 hours of photography! I'm soo jealous. You are going to have great pic's.


I wanted the same thing for my reception. Candles, candles and more candles!! And with the tiki torches, white lights, chinese lanterns and the luminaries around the pool, my reception was well lit!


Funny you mentioning about your FI hating his picture taken, so does my husband!!! He ALWAYS blinks when there is a flash involved. Oh, but first he has to say "I'm gonna blink" just before the photo. WELL OF COURSE you are going to blink if you say it everytime just before the photo is snapped! SO ANNOYING! I'm curious to see how many photos Juan tricked him into NOT blinking in.

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