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Freaking out....just a bit.....


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Sorry guys for taking forever to respond. I've been in a complete daze since Friday night...yes i took the test...and it came out pregnant. I haven't stopped crying and I'm completely freaking out. Thank you guys so much for all of your support...I don't know what to do....I don't know what to do. PREGNANThuh.gif I wasn't even sure if I ever really wanted kids. I know that I'm NOT READY! I barely can take care of myself...and mentally, I'm nowhere even in the same universe as being ready to go through this. We've been talking and talking and talking and we both know that this is not a good situation for anyone..I keep trying to put myself there 9 months from now (one month before the wedding) and it's just..I don't know...... I'm not trying to be selfish..I just know that a baby is not it for me..not now...what the hell am I going to dohuh.gif??

Thanks again for all of your support ladies, I'm sorry for not responding earlier. Hope all is well with you girls!!

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OMG Trisha... {{{{Big Hug}}}}


You and FI will figure it out. You need to do what's right for you guys, but you don't have to make any decisions now. Take a few days, let it sink in, try to relax. Sometimes things don't happen when or how we want them to, but that doesn't mean they are bad. Whatever you decide, we will be here and support you in your decision. If you need to talk, just let me know.

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oh wow, trisha. this is a tough spot - and while i wish i could tell you some magic words that would make this easier, or tell you what to do - i can't. this is such a personal decision between you and your FI. talk to people - whether that's your doctor, minister, friends, family - whoever can help you make an informed, education decision. there are women on this forum that have gone through just about everything - so also feel free to talk to us. we're here to support you - and help in any way we can! whatever the outcome is - you'll make it through this!

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Wow. I'm so sorry the news isn't what you wanted. I don't know how far along you are, but depending on that, you have a bit of time to weigh your options. No one will judge you for not being ready right now. In my opinion, even though I love babies/chilren and think they are an absolute blessing, it's also very important if you know you are not ready and this isn't the time in your life for a child to do what's right for you and your FI.


That being said, you need to sit down and talk to your FI about what the right thing for the two of you is. Take into consideration financial, career, education, emotional... all the factors in your life right now. You may decide you do want this and can do it, or you may decide you can't and that's ok too. Just don't feel pressured either way, go with your heart.


I don't mention this much, because it was such a different point in my life, but I have had two abortions. One when I was a teenager and one actually when Brian and I first started dating (while on BC!). It's not an easy route to take or any easy thing to decide, but if you ever need any support on that I'm here for you.


Good luck.

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Trisha, give it some time to sink in and figure it out. When my DH and I got that positive back we were totally freaked out too, we were planning to wait at least a year if not more. You will figure it out, please feel free to vent to us or let us know if there is anything you need. We are here for you.

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Im so sorry this is not the news that you wanted to hear. Like others said no one is hear to judge you, we are all hear no matter what route you take. In no way are you being selfish AT ALL. In fact you are looking out what best for the child and only a selfless person would do this. Everything will work out in the end, and whatever you need you know we are all here for you.

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Trisha, I know you must be so stressed out right now. Like others have said, take a few days to think things through, its a huge decision no matter which route you go and you have to make sure both of you are okay with it and no one will judge you no matter what you decide.


I got pregnant when I was 22 and steve and I weren't even together anymore, so I know how you're feeling right now, I think I cried for a week straight and I had no idea what to do. And I also never knew if I really wanted to have kids. Ultimately I had to decide what was best for me and I chose to have hailey and it was the best decision I ever made and now 9 years later Steve & I are married, so I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason.


I'm here if you need to talk, I understand all to well what you're going through.

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