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When should I have guests book the trip?

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Hi all,


I am trying to figure out when to have people make their deposits. We are going to book through Apple (using a TA) as a group. The date of the trip is Nov 6-13, 2008. The deposit is $125 pp plus insurance.


The TA was going to call Apple and check on some things, hasn't called back yet (granted it has only been an hour, I'm just impatient). Apple is running their charters like regular airlines do now. There are only so many seats in each fare category and then it goes to next category with higher rate.


So, I want to book our trip now (and my family is ready too) to lock in at the current rate and be done with the whole deposit deal. I'm not sure if there is a time limit for people to book once we book for the group reservation. We are blocking off 50 spots but not sure who is going and for how long. Also, not all of our guests are coming from Pittsburgh.


Is it too soon to have people book? Is it too close to the holidays for people to spend the deposit money?


Thoughts, ideas? Help.

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So, for an update...


My TA called back and told me there are only 48 seats left on the charter for our departure date. WHAT?! So after a mini freak out...I put down the deposit to hold the rest of the seats. $50 pp on my credit card.


So, I guess I will have to start nagging people to commit and put at least the $50 part down.

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Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
How many guests are you expecting?
From Pittsburgh, I think we are going to have around 44. At least. I think 40 definitely. And then there are probably 12-16 people from other cities.

My mom & stepdad are booking tomorrow and so are my sister and her hubby. So at least we can chip down that amount on my credit card.
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I agree and think it's better for your guests to start booking now instead of later. We had issues with the people who decided to wait to the last minute and it turned out their trip was more expensive than the people who booked at least 8 months in advance.


IMO $50 deposit isn't too much, but if you paid for all these people I would be hounding them down kinda for money. I've had bad experiences with lending money to family and friends....

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The deposit is 100% refundable for 120 days. But I basically have $2,000 sitting on my credit card. I've been calling people to let them know that space is limited. Once the charter is full, they will be on regular air and that will probably cost more. I'd rather just have people commit one way or another. Most of my important people are booking this week. Some are still trying to decide if they are going for 3 night or 7 night package.

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Our guests booked 8 months ahead of time, but I agree; if you can get them to commit sooner than that, then all the better!


Oh, and it seems to be a recurring theme that a lot of guests say they'll go "for sure", I had plenty RSVP to go and then last minute decided they couldn't go. Just be prepared that the number of your "expected" guests can drastically change!

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  • 1 month later...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just found out that two of my groomsmen HAVE NOT booked thier flight or hotel stay or ANYTHING! And this is AFTER they told my FH that they were taking care of it! Ahhhhh.....people can really tick me off!!! Sorry for the vent, but geeeeezzz!

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