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First Fitting Pics (also weight loss pics)!

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You look great hunni. Keep up the good work. I love the tatto btw. Awesome detailing :)


Oh and the dress is very cute. I'm a big fan of the corset type lace up backings.

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Thanks again everyone :) I love the simplicity of my dress, and I was really happy when I put it on again after the weight loss and saw the difference. I still have about 5lbs to lose to be really happy in a bikini, but I need to be careful not to lose too much more.


For those that are interested, I've been using Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople and exercise. Being accountable for what I put in my mouth has really made a HUGE difference. FI has been really helpful as well, as we've encouraged each other to stick with healthy foods and he's a gym rat, which motivates me to go to the gym! For those that are still a couple months off, you can do it! Getting started was the hardest part, but it does get easier :)

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