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I am so sorry that your daughter has problems with peanuts. It may not have been the school. My son takes peanut butter and jelly EVERYDAY for lunch, maybe it was a friend that had it and passed her something.


A peanut-free school means that no kids + no adults is allowed to bring to school anything that has nuts or peanuts!!!!



This morning, it was very hard for me to send her to school... what happened last week not only stresses me but the school as well...when they saw me this morning, the principal suddenly had time to see me (once I told her who I was)!

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a peanut free school, wow I have never heard of that. So I bet the principal feels like a jerk since obviously someone brought peanuts into the school.

I cannot imagine how hard it was to take her to school but hopefully she is better now and as she gets older it will be easier for her to recognize the signs and get help for herself.

by the way your wedding is so close, are you all ready?

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Most of all schools in the province of Quebec are peanut-free school! This allergy is very serious (can be deadly). That is why for the past 5-8 years, schools are peanut free.


The studies show that there is more kids in the states that are allergic to peanut...I thought that they started the "peanut-free" school ? ? !


Yes, I am leaving in 12 days...and no, I am not ready ! !


Not only am I getting ready for my vacation-wedding, I am also trying to do all my homework (last semester of my Masters in French Litterature)...My last 2 essays are due next Monday...After that, I can organize / finalize all my wedding things !!!

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Annie, I have never heard of a peanut free school, but I work in secondary schools (I teach high school, so I am not sure how that would work with teenagers).

I think its a great idea, although I love peanut butter so it would be hard for me, but I have heard such horror stories about the reactions for some children (similar to yours).


I have to tell you that your wedding will be amazing and don't stress about the small stuff, just finish your school work and as long as you and your hubby and daughter are there that is all that will matter. No one will notice the little stuff, I promise I stressed about that stuff way too much but gave myself a deadline and what wasn't done at that point was kinda o'well in my book-and honestly no one noticed that a few things weren't done.


Is there anything we can help you with?

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Annie, I have never heard of a peanut free school, but I work in secondary schools (I teach high school, so I am not sure how that would work with teenagers).

I think its a great idea, although I love peanut butter so it would be hard for me, but I have heard such horror stories about the reactions for some children (similar to yours).


I have to tell you that your wedding will be amazing and don't stress about the small stuff, just finish your school work and as long as you and your hubby and daughter are there that is all that will matter. No one will notice the little stuff, I promise I stressed about that stuff way too much but gave myself a deadline and what wasn't done at that point was kinda o'well in my book-and honestly no one noticed that a few things weren't done.


Is there anything we can help you with?

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Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride View Post

Most of all schools in the province of Quebec are peanut-free school! This allergy is very serious (can be deadly). That is why for the past 5-8 years, schools are peanut free.

The studies show that there is more kids in the states that are allergic to peanut...I thought that they started the "peanut-free" school ? ? !

Yes, I am leaving in 12 days...and no, I am not ready ! !

Not only am I getting ready for my vacation-wedding, I am also trying to do all my homework (last semester of my Masters in French Litterature)...My last 2 essays are due next Monday...After that, I can organize / finalize all my wedding things !!!
All your exclamation marks show how stressed you are.. Promise, it will all be great!

Glad to hear your daughter is ok.. must have been very scary. I'm sure as a mom you do your best to protect your kid. When things happen out of your control, that can be really frustrating... and you're stressed with everything else going on which isn't helping.

Let us know if we can help with any projects of if you're having bridesmaids, have them over to help. My girls helped me finish about 15 projects in one day.. After that was done, I felt alot better.
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Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride View Post

Most of all schools in the province of Quebec are peanut-free school! This allergy is very serious (can be deadly). That is why for the past 5-8 years, schools are peanut free.

The studies show that there is more kids in the states that are allergic to peanut...I thought that they started the "peanut-free" school ? ? !

Yes, I am leaving in 12 days...and no, I am not ready ! !

Not only am I getting ready for my vacation-wedding, I am also trying to do all my homework (last semester of my Masters in French Litterature)...My last 2 essays are due next Monday...After that, I can organize / finalize all my wedding things !!!
You don't need more things on your plate with all the stuff you have to finish!! I'm sure everything will be fine!
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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
At our school we can not call 911 without the parent being present or permission. We had a 5 year old get shot in the leg( the fatty part of the calf) from a stray bullet amile away and couldnt get in contact with mom. the nurse dialed 911 and the mother tried to sue.
I gotta vent on that one---- that is the STUPIDEST f-ing thing I've ever heard!!!!!! All it's going to take is ONE child to have a life-threatening need and when the school doesn't call, the parents are going to sue the ever-living shit out of them.

This is just ridiculous---- what parent doesn't want 911 called when their kid is SHOT?!?!? My god, I need to vacate this thread because this just makes me want to fly out there and throttle this dumb-ass woman....
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