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Nominate your MotM for November!


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Awww, I am totally feeling the love right now. Thank you guys so much, you are all too sweet.


I am still having a hard time with this. I think I will also vote Lala (Kate) and PaulaV. I can't tell you the why aside from the fact that they are both awesome. There are so many amazing BTB's to choose from though, so this was way to hard for me.


Bride, also really hard, I was going to nominate Mel (Raeka) and Andrea (DreaW) because they are both great but, since they have been nominated, I can nominate the other bride I think deserves it and that is Jill (Jilly76) she was there for me through all my freakouts when the clock was counting down really fast, she really helped to calm me down and let me know that it was okay to freak out and I was not crazy (well for that reason).

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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
I'll go first heheh I haven't nominated in a while but I would say

Maria(MikiStreak): I just love reading her advice and experiences... quite the character too

Paula: Does she ever miss an important event? heheh You can tell just how thoughtful she is with birthdays and weddings.

Julie(Julser): I just love her to pieces. She has a giant heart and gave alot of helpful information for current brides to be. She also helped me find the perfect pair of earings on ebay for my special day.
Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Hmm... okay.

New Bride: JulieG
BTB: NYJen and MikkiStreak
Originally Posted by PaulaV View Post
Thanks for the nominations blush2.gif

I would like to nominate:

BTB: MikkiStreak
Bride: JulieG
Thank you guys for the nomination, as well as everyone else who's nominated me over the last several months (I remember you guys too!). I have such great friends on here and all of you have given me such good warm fuzzies with the nominations! :) The MoTM should be given as a sign of appreciation and you guys have definitely made me feel appreciated! :)

But, to be honest, I'd rather bow out because I've always felt that the nominations should reflect what the person has contributed to the forum during that particular month (giving advice, organizing something on behalf of the brides, sharing information about wedding sources, or planning documents, etc...) and I really haven't done that in the last couples months because I've had so much other stuff going on.

But I'm flattered and wish everyone the best of luck. :)
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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
Thank you guys for the nomination, as well as everyone else who's nominated me over the last several months (I remember you guys too!). I have such great friends on here and all of you have given me such good warm fuzzies with the nominations! :) The MoTM should be given as a sign of appreciation and you guys have definitely made me feel appreciated! :)

But, to be honest, I'd rather bow out because I've always felt that the nominations should reflect what the person has contributed to the forum during that particular month (giving advice, organizing something on behalf of the brides, sharing information about wedding sources, or planning documents, etc...) and I really haven't done that in the last couples months because I've had so much other stuff going on.

But I'm flattered and wish everyone the best of luck. :)
Maria, yet another reason why you SHOULD be MoTM. You are always thinking about other people and your kindness is so obvious. I don't think we should allow Maria to back out. lol
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Lizz, Lisa, Jen and Kate - Thank you so much for nominating me. (This is the first time I've ever been nominated. I'm so excited!!!!) Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Now, I've never nominated anyone before and it's mostly because I can't pick and choose. It's very hard!!!! Everyone on here is so GREAT!!! Ok, but here it goes.


BTB - Hopels (for keeping me inspired on the Daily Challenges thread. I've lost 11.5 pounds.)


Bride - Drea (for organizing the Secret Santa - Awesome job!!!)


All you girls ROCK!!!!

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