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Anyone have a GPS for their cars?


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Brian loves his GPS. I don't have one in my car, but I will use Brian's if I really need it. I'm actually pretty good with directions and getting around so for me I could either take or leave it. But it's nice for road trips in terms that it's a lot less clutter than a map.

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Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
Erik and I both have one. We use it all the time, I love it. We both have the Magellan I have a new version though :)
Anyways, I couldn't live with out it. Since I sub I use it all the time.
My dad travels a lot for work - he has a Magellan, too and loves it! We borrow it from time to time ... it's super handy --- just the lady mispronounces the streets sometimes, which can be pretty funny!
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We have it in Tom's new car and it is the BEST thing ever. It's a chick who guides you through the route, turn by turn and tells you to when to get ready to turn, and then when to turn and onto what road you are turning.


I don't have it in my car, but once I get a new car, I will not buy a vehicle without the GPS.

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Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
Christine I'm thinking of getting that same Garmin from Costco, but I'm tempted to upgrade to the one with Bluetooth since you can't talk on your cell phone in DC without a handfree device...but then I'd have to get a new phone too!
they have the one with bluetooth for like $450 we almost thought of it but I don't know if I would use it a lot, I probably should.
It turns out my mom ordered me one already for Christmas, so hopefully its the one I wanted.
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My family has a portable Magellan (we call her Maggie). We LOVE it! it's so perfect and we use it all the time!!! Especially on vacation when we don't have any idea where we are going! I also like to feature that tells me how much time is left until we arrive. it's nice when doing long trips.

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I saw a couple on sale this week. Not sure what exact features they have though. The first 2 end today or tomorrow and the last doesnt start until Friday(Black Friday sale). I'm debating on getting one:



Tom Tom One - 3rd Edition - $150 - Dell.com


Magellan Maestro 3200 - $169.99 w/free shipping (I think) - Best Buy.com


Garmin Street Pilot c330 - $128.88 - Walmart & Walmart.com starting Friday

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