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Hi guys,

I have a question and it's kinda long so bear with me to try and spit it out. I was wondering if any of you had information on price at the RIU. If you do the free wedding and then how much is it for the judge (non religious) and marriage license just the LEGAL stuff and 2 witness if we don't have it. Would it be cheaper to get the classic package (475) one that comes with it. I don't need the package for like flowers and stuff b/c I only have 5 guests. I might have 2 witnesses depending on how long they have to be there.


My second question is I have no idea what else I need to do since I'm down to a month and I didn't have alot of time to plan alot. I 've hit a wall. Please help!!!

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Hi I just had the Free wedding last month. Its only 200.00 for ministers fee's,I am not sure how much the Judge costs are but I THINK its the same. So it would be cheaper to do the free wedding compared to the classic wedding. But I also THINK that you have to have a mininum amount of rooms. Is it 5 ladies? They do have this info on the Riu website.,As fas as what else you have to do... You really dont have to do anything before hand. Its as casual as you want. But either way they have to have your documents 30 days before so they can get your wedding license. You can scan them and email them if you need to.

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