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@@bmillerick That's hard to answer for you, as only you know your guests, their likes/dislikes (in terms of what they would want in a resort) and your best guess at what they can afford.


I think what you will find is that you will be surprised at who comes and who doesn't, and what reasons they each have for their decisions. A lot of the time it is not related to money and, when it is, some of the people you least expected to make it work will be there, while the opposite will also hold true. Advice I've seen here many times is be reasonable with your choices, but remember it's your wedding and you can't plan it around other people. You may end up disappointed if you do. 

This is excellent advice. You must do what you want. People will surprise you with who is willing to go and who isn't. You just have to do what you want and be ready for what comes.

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@@bmillerick congrats! It sounds like you are on the right path if you have a budget set! Now you need a guest list!


I would figure out how many people you want/can afford. Ie: we can afford to have 100 people. I invited about 100, and I'm personally hoping for 20-25 of that, if that gives you an idea. To me, it seems DW are a little more flexible to invite people.


I don't think you'll have an issue with a resort being able to do a DW, most resorts and hotels are able to do it. It's more a matter of, what's important to you to have or not have at the location. For me, not a beach wedding was important. Being at an all inclusive was also important. Being able to leave the resort was also important (ie: safe outside the resort). What's important to you?

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