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Taking Children To Your Dw

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I brought mine. Couldn't imagine them not being with us when we married. We kept them the whole time and had to alternate nights we went out. On our wedding night my MIL took them and the next day everyone took turns so we had some private time. Is def a different trip with kids (sometimes wish we could have partied more) but I wouldn't change it for the world. We felt bad to ask for lots of extra help

As everyone paid for their own vacation not to babysit. My kids were 9 though so didn't need much but an eye on them.



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Having my daughter be a part of our celebration was really important to us. She stayed with us during our entire two weeks -- but on certain nights/days she spent them with her cousins or my parents. Of course on the Wedding night she was with my parents :) Weddings are about celebrating love and family -- I don't think you'd regret having your children be a part of your event, but I do think you might regret not having them there and end up missing them. And definitely be open to asking family to help with the kids on special nights or days you'd like to have some alone time.

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My 2 step kids are coming (ages 6 and 8). They're traveling with my hubby's parents and staying in room with them the entire 5 days. We will spend time with them during day and they're in our wedding. We are going 2 days before them and staying 4 days longer. It just makes sense for us and his mom volunteered so that they won't have to miss too much school.

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Any ladies taking/have taken your children with you to your DW? Did you have them stay with a family member the whole time? Did you get (or do you plan to) enough QT with your husband?


Any ladies taking/have taken your children with you to your DW? Did you have them stay with a family member the whole time? Did you get (or do you plan to) enough QT with your husband?

@@Cablelove11 the best part about taking them is also that everyone is willing to help take care of the kids , I took my child to my DW wedding and everyone helped. of-coarse on the wedding night she did a sleepover with her cousins.  


Happy Planning! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are planning on taking our son who will be 4 by the wedding date.  We are staying at the resort from Monday to Sunday and our guests are staying Monday to Thursday.  He will leave with my future MIL on Thursday so that we have a few "honeymoon" days.  He will be in the room with us every night except for Wednesday (wedding night).

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  • 3 weeks later...

My son will be almost 2 for our wedding! We're getting married on a Friday and staying Tuesday - Sunday so we plan on having him with us the whole stay except for the wedding night :) Then on Sunday we plan on flying to the other side of the country to another hotel for a 3-4 day "mini-moon" and my parents will be taking him and flying home with him! Figured this would be best since we were sure most of our family and friends will be turning our DW into their vacation and extending their stay haha

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