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Reggie you've gotton sooo many responses. My vote goes for short to medium BUT, if you really dont care which one then I say go with the one Heidi likes best. B/c its all about the two of you! So if Heidi says no to the shaved I say no to the shaved as well (Heidi I got your back girlmuscle.gif)

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Wow I didnt believe Heidi when she told me that there were so many responses. Thanks for the input!


I really am surprised at the number votes for a shaved head, i really never would have guessed. But I was originally thinking long hair cuz I figured it would be more versatile with styling but I told Heidi that it will probablly not happen, b/c its much of a pain in the ass to worry about. But the votes solidify the feelings against long hair. Oh and the differences in length b/t Medium and short in these pics was atually like 3 inches when wet, my hair just curls like crazy.

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I definitely like the Medium look the best, although Reggie you look great in any of these styles! I say go for what you and Heidi like together, since you'll have to look at the pictures together for many years. My next choice would be shaved, and I think I prefer the long look the least.


I think your hair also looks great in your sig pic...


I must admit, when I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was going to be a back-waxing question or something like that...lol

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All these votes for shaved heads, I feel bad for all the bald(ing) guys out there, paying big $$$ for tupees, rogaine, and transplants. But I think we decided that it will be the length in the Signature pic, but styled like one of the Male models in the new Express Mens ads. Thanks for the input everyone!

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